Shot two

978 51 3

Hii guys...!:-)
Ignore mistakes...!


Time passed on. They were in fourth year of their engineering. In the mean time Randhir had named his unknown feelings as LOVE. Yes Randhir was in love with Sanyukta. Randhir heart has fallen for his best friend his girl . Her smiles her craziness her care her love as friend her innocence her attitude her interest in small happiness had taken his heart away. Thus he decided to express his feelings to his ladylove in farewell  party of their college.

The day had arrived. It was farewell day. All were equally excited. Randhir was little nervous as he was going to confess his feelings. Parth n Vidushi were excited coz they were going to perform in the party. Amrita n Aryan were the most cutest couple now.


Randhir brought a beautiful dress for his love. He went to Sanyukta and handed the gift. "Sanyu you will wear this gown in the party okay?"Randhir asked her handing the packet. "You are my saviour Ron. I was very much confused in finding out a perfect dress for the party. For sure I'll wear it" Sanyukta chipped while side hugging him.

Sanyukta was dolled up in the white long backless gown given by him. She was looking damn sexy n at the same time cute too. All reached the venue. Randhir was eagerly waiting for his girl. There she comes. Randhir had stuck his eyes on her. He was welcomed with a big smile on his face. His heart started to pounding fastly. She came close and hugged him.

Suddenly he felt an electric current passing through his body. They hav hugged each other many times but this hug was different. Shivers ran down her spine as he touched her bare back. He covered her back by sliding all her waist length hairs to the back thus covering up and whispered "None is allowed to see MY GIRL like this". She shivered as his lips touched her ears.

They broke the hug n were little embarrassed by the recent encounter. They were avoiding eye contact. Soon all their friends came up to them. They were dragged to the stage. All the performances were done. They stole glances in the mean time.

Suddenly Randhir left the hall n all the lights went off and a spotlight appeared on the center of the stage. There stood Randhir with n mike n rose in his hands. Another spot light was on Sanyukta.

All cheered him with good luck. Randhir came forward n sat down on knees in front of Sanyukta. He held the rose to her in the air n said" I know that we are bff's from our childhood but I donno when I hav fallen in love with you. Yess Sanyu am madly in love with you. Your one smile can make me the happiest person on the world. Your one tear drop makes me feel like killing myself for letting you cry. I hav fallen for all your antics. No one in this world knows about to the extent I know you. I promise you that I'll make you happy with all my stupid jokes. I promise you that I'll never let you cry for anything. I promise you that I'll be with you in each n every moment of your life. I'll be the luckiest guy for loving an Angel like you. U r my support. U r the reason of my every single smile. I want you till my last breath. Finally I want to say that I LOVE YOU SANYUKTA. You r my bff n I want you to be my gf. You are my first love. Will you be my gf..??".

Sanyukta was in tears now. She was very happy that her bff loves her to this extent. She was shedding her happy tears. She nodded her head in a YES. She took the rose n kissed it. She immediately hugged Randhir for his beautiful proposal. Both were very happy. The crowd was cheering with their name.

After the proposal she held Randhir's left arm. Randhir slid his hand through her waist thus protecting her n indicating all that she belongs to him only. Both were taken to the stage. All couples danced on the romantic songs.

All enjoyed their college farewell to max extent. They all left to hostels. But Randhir wanted to spend some quality time with his Sanyukta. So they took a cab n left to the beach near there.

They reached their destination. Sanyukta ran towards the beach as she was very much fond of beaches. They hugged each other. Promised each other that what might come in their lives they will be together. They loved being in a relationship.

As it was dark in night they took a cab n left to their hostel. The sky became darker than normal day. Thundering was also started giving a hint that something bad was going to happen. May be nature didn't accept these lovebirds happiness.

"Ron am scared. This is not a good gesture. Am feeling different kind of loosing someone special in my life. My heart beat has raised. Do something Ron.." Sanyu cried holding his hand.

"Baby don't worry. Nothing will happen to us. Please don't cry love. Am with you. Everything is fine. Don't cry. Shh..... shh."he was consoling sanyu but from inside his own position was miserable.

Both were hell scared as it was raining heavily. Randhir asked the cab drive to stop at some place. But driver informed that the brakes were failed. Randhir shouted on his top whether he was a driver or a mad man for not checking his car condition before.

Randhir n Sanyukta both broke down as their was no option left for them but to accept the bad going to happen to them. Suddenly a truck came in front of their cab. BOOOOOMMMMMMMMM


Is it a cliffhanger...?
No worries.
Wait for the next update...!!!

Love Sanjana...!!!♥

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