Ch. 6

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     It had been days since you and the boys visited the restaurant. You mood since then had absolutely enhanced. Getting in out in public felt good, but strange, feeling subconsciously overprotective of the little bundle inside you. All three of the boys had felt that way too, but you also felt joy at knowing your little secret from the hostess and the waiter, who were completely oblivious as you turned down a drink. Being in the bunker, you had never realized the profound urgency to shout out your secret to the world. 

     Thinking back on the night, you smiled at the laid back manner the boys assumed. It wasn't all the time that they let their true colors show through. Though you were grateful to have spent that night with Cas and the boys, and it was great, you couldn't kick the paranoia eating at the back of your mind. You knew you should stop worrying, but you've started to feel guilty that something could've went seriously wrong that night. You kicked yourself for wishing that Cas should've told you you couldn't go. But you knew he would never tell you that. 

     Sighing, you folded up the rest of the laundry and laid your clothes in a different stack from the boys'. You stood up carefully, not fully getting used to the quick exhaustion. Once you straighten up fully, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You stared a little longer, perplexed at how your belly had grown so much in these past few weeks. You were pretty much past the point of being able to hide the bump, unless you wore a really big coat. You still weren't sure if you liked your pregnant appearance. You found it odd, never thinking you would be in this position; however, you felt a swirl of pride within you for successfully bringing your child this far into its development. Your thoughts wandered fondly of Cas, thankful that despite getting pregnant, he is the only person on this Earth you would trust to have children with. If you had gotten pregnant by any of your previous boyfriends, you realized you would be lost in a broken relationship. You took a final look at your self and shrugged on a burgundy knit sweater. You flipped the light switch out before exiting the room. 

     Upon arrival of the main room in the bunker, you took notice of the long table cleared off and everything put back where it should be. Someone had cleaned and you grew suspicious that perhaps Sam or Dean had broken something and had cleared  the room of any evidence. Your eyes swept the room, landing on a single strip of paper on the table. You examine it further, recognizing Dean's rushed writing. It said "We're going out. Should be back in a few hours. Dean." You quirked an eyebrow, confused at the vagueness. You bit your lip nervously, silently hoping they didn't get themselves in trouble. 

     You heard casual footsteps from behind you and whipped around, pleasantly relived to see Cas entering the room. You sucked in a short breath upon his appearance. His hair was fixed just the way he knew you loved. He had ditched the coat, standing in just his black suit which made his eyes shine brightly. His arm was partially behind his back indicating that he was intentionally holding something away from your view. For a few seconds, you had to run through all the important dates in your head to make sure you weren't forgetting an occasion.

     "Good evening, Y/N," he warmly greeted you, his features instantly lifting. 

     You blushed slightly and smirked,"you know, you've been here long enough that we shouldn't have to greet each other like that anymore," you leaned in and kissed him, breathing in his intoxicating scent. You hesitantly pulled away, looking up expectantly into his amused face."So what's the occasion?" 

     He grinned back at you and explained,"well, the other day when you were telling us that during the next doctor's appointment you wanted to find out the gender of the baby and I-well I've been thinking about it because waiting until then is unnecessary. I have known the gender, and for a while. I did not realize the gender was of importance. So, with Sam's help, I found this," he brought his arm around, and you smiled at his attempt to put an item in a festive paper bag with tissue paper. 

     You took the bag from him with a curious interest. You fished out all of the white tissue paper and as soon as you looked down, disbelief clutch at your heart. You reach down in the bag, your fingers brushing the soft material. You pull it out to reveal a beautiful pale pink dress, just big enough to fit a newborn. It had delicate designs sewn into the soft fabric with a bow attacked to the back. You were struggling to hold back tears. A baby girl. A daughter. 

      "A girl," Cas said smiling down at you. You look up at him with a watery smile. 

     "Cas, you're going to have a daughter," you croaked, voice shaky. You put your hand comfortingly on your abdomen,"I can't wait for Claire to find out." 

     He looked down, smiling shyly,"I feel as though I will be over protective of her." 

     You laughed,"oh trust me, I bet Dean won't let her out until she's at least 30," you joked.

     He looked up and quirked an eyebrow as though considering it. You laughed and stood up, immediately engulfing him in a hug. He happily complied, squeezing you gently and feeling the bump between your two bodies. He was still in utter shock over the fact that he took part in a creation and it was seated snuggly between your bodies, safe from harm. 



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