Chapter 3/Paranoid

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Taylor Swift-Bad Blood ft Kendrick Lamar

"You son of a-"

"Ah ah ah," he said putting a finger in front of me. "Don't start cursing . Darling all you have to do is tell me your name."

I was thinking so many things, so many bad things that could happen to him. "Stop calling me that!" I snapped at him.

"Calling you what, Darling?" He smirked.

"I swear-"

"Don't swear." He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"You better delete those, um uh." I stumbled over my words.

"See Princess you don't even know my name." He said in a smart-aleck tone. I rolled my eyes at the 'Princess' remark, it is worst than 'Darling'. "Why don't you do yourself a favor and tell me yours."

"Never in your dreams!"

"I know you have dreamed about me." He says with a wink.

"Will you please just delete the pictures?" I asked emphasizing the 'please', begging him. He looked like he was considering it. He looked at his phone then back at me.

"I don't think so, Princess." He says smirking.

"Why not?!" I yelled at him getting irritated.

"Why won't you tell me your name!!" He yelled right back at me. By this time we created a big crowd surrounding us. And I do not like attention.

At all.

So guess what I did next.

I ran.

Pushing through the thick crowd and out of the quad I almost fell down the stairs, but luckily I caught myself. Sitting down on the last step I wondered what would happen if 'he' found out my name, especially my last name. If anybody found out my mom has a daughter I would be swarmed with paparazzi every day and never be left alone. I don't think my mother doesn't want anyone to know that I exist not because she doesn't love me but because she does. She doesn't want anyone to know because my life would only consist of flashing cameras and red-carpet nights. Not being able to go on a date without people asking me hundreds of questions about my date and also my date being asked millions of questions too. If I went on dates. But if 'he' finds out this won't end so well. I lift my head and take a deep breath so I don't have a panic attack. Which has happened before.

Crowds are not my cup of tea.



I see a Starbucks across the street.

"I really shouldn't." I say to myself.

But did I listen to myself?

Of course not.

I walk across the street and into the coffee shop. The smell of lattes, cappuccinos, and every different kind of coffee filled my nose. I take in the familiar smell and sigh in delight. I get to the front of the line and order my regular pumpkin spice, which I have been obsessed with since I was 10 years old and I am currently 16 almost 17. So it has become quite an addiction.

"Name please." The employee said to me.

Harl-um uh, Lily." I was paranoid.

I was so paranoid.

I sat down by a window towards the school and waited for my latte.



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