Unexpected meeting chapter 2

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Lucy pov.

I slowly walked to my next lesson, PE. I love PE to be honest with you at the moment the girls are doing netball and the boys are doing basket ball but most of the time it ended as a boxing match. Also our PE kit is comfy it's black track suits and house top with trainers in summer we wore a skirt and tee, it's autumn now so everyone wears the summer kit.

After getting changed we walked out to the tennis/netball courts where we were put into two teams there are 15 girls in the year so 1 unlucky girl has to be a sub.

"Lucy your sub today!" Ms Aquarius shouted and I slowly walked to the bench and sat down.

"He needs to redo his homework!" A voice shouted.

"He has a lesson now!" I looked over to where the boys were and laughed our geography teacher mr. Gibbson and other PE teacher mr.morris were arguing over grays appalling homework.

I glanced over at the bench and notice that the new guy, Natsu wasn't joining in, he was sitting on the bench eyes closed arms folded. I slowly walked over and sat on the bench next to him.

"Hi, what's up?" I asked trying to start an conversation.

"Hmmm? The sky's up" he said opening an eye pointing up indicating where the sky is.

"So, your Natsu right" he nodded. "I'm Lucy, just a question why aren't you doing PE?"

"Why aren't you doing PE?" He asked me not moving from his relaxed position.

"I'm a sub" I pointed out.

"Oh okay then..." I sighed

"Do you not like PE?" I asked trying one last time.

"I do it's just I haven't been told what to do by him" Natsu said whilst lifting his index finger at Mr. Morris. "Besides it looks like everyone wants to kill me over there" his finger moved to a groups of boys that consisted of Gray, Gajeel, Loke, Laxus and Jellal.

"Can you play basket ball?" I asked. He nodded.

"I played attack before" I got a ball out the bag and handed it to him. He stared at it then spun it on his finger.

"Go play then" I said while smiling. He shrugged and stood up holding the ball in his hands and played on the court.

"GRAY FULLBUSTER!!" Poor Gray ran to the gate where Mr. Gibbson had called him. "Friday detention for you" Mr Gibbson said before leaving the outside courts.

I walked back over to the girls courts where the game had started.

"SHOOT LEVY!!" I shouted ask my best friend aimed for the witches hat above the goal. The ball flew up in the air and touched the rim missing the goal. "NO CATCH THE REBOUND!!" Unfortunately Levy miss again and the game finished at 5~5 I looked over at the boys where Gray was taking aim. I knew Grays team had won Gray was the best player in the school. Gray threw the ball into the air making it almost impossible to intercept.... Almost. Just the Natsu jumped up and whacked the ball down to his team preventing Gray from scoring. As he dropped done his shirt lifted up and I saw his chest my face then felt hot. Very hot.

"Lucy you okay?" Levy asked me.

"You know that new guy" she nodded

"He, he has a freaking six pack!?" I yelped. Levys eyes widened.

"There's me thinking he was Lazy" she whistled.


I walked out of silent study my last lesson and bumped Into something Hot, not like attractive hot like, Ouch why on earth am I on fire hot.

"Watch we're your goin.... Hi Natsu... Urm how are you?"

"I'm okay, you okay Luce?" He asked. Luce?

"I'm great! Just a question why are you so hot, it burns" I said whilst holding up my pink wrist.

"My magic probably" he said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, what magic do you use I'm a celestial wizard!"

"I'm a fire dragon slayer, sorry bout the wrist but I need to go home now and study so bye, see ya tomorrow Luce"


"I'm home mom!" I called before bringing up my foster moms medication and water. I sat beside her bed and sighed.

"Your back then Natsu"

"Yeah, mom I bought up your medicine for you"

"Thank you but I won't be needing it"

"Mom you will die if you don't have it"

"Natsu my life will end when it's ready that is my fate" she said while smiling at me. Every time she smiled at me I knew it was fake she was being strong for me, ever since my foster father left she had been like this house bound. We were Lucky that her previous job had good pay and left us with good fortune. But it was hard for me too. Nobody knew about this. Not one person at school not one other family member knew what we were going through. Still every day I put a smile on my face and pretend nothing's wrong. Everybody does it so why can't i?

I walked to my room finished my homework and started to read a book on dragon and myths

You would think my life was happy go lucky but my life is a disaster one big car crash.


It doesn't make sense does it?

Oh well I is very lazy and only update when I have an idea so :P






Wow (nalu) :3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ