Natsu's Mom

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"Levy!" I shrieked as I saw my friend standing at her locker collecting her books.

"Lu-chan?" She asked confusedly as she shut her locker. I ran over to her and held her hands in mine.

"You are a legend!" She raised and eyebrow, a slight smirk creeping onto her face.

"So they tell me, now why are you so excited?" I took a moment to breathe.

"You know after our free period after school..."

"Yeah, I had to rush off to cram school"

"We'll I ran into Natsu..."

"And?" Levy asked starting to get excited.

"He asked me for my number!" I yelped.

"YES LUCY, GET IN THERE!!" levy yelled in a very unLevy like way, when caused me to laugh, and gain some stares from other students, who soon returned to their own business.

"Levy, your embarrassing me" I giggled while playfully punching her arm.

"Lu-chan. you have got to help me with... you know who" she said her voice turning into a whisper.

"I will, I did promise after all" it laughed. suddenly my phone started to vibrate. "What the?" I took my phone out my pocket and saw Natsu's number.

"Hey Natsu. what's wrong?" I asked.

"Hey Luce. can you tell the home room teacher I can't come in today" his voice was quiet. Was he ill?

"Sure, but why?" I asked my voice now a whisper.

"Erm, its kinda private but the teachers know" He said his voice cracking. I frowned.

"Natsu, you know I'm here for you you know?"

"Thanks.... Shit Mom!" The line went dead. I pulled my phone away from my ear. Concern written all over my face. Natsu, something was wrong with his mom.

"Levy tell the home room teacher Natsus ill and I'm late I will be right back" I shoved my bag into levy a locker and rushed to the infirmary.


"Mira I need your help!" I yelled as I ran in "please give me Natsu's address"

Mira glanced up at me and fixed her wonky glasses on her face while raising an eyebrow.
"Lucy? I am sure you are aware that that information is private and cannot be released, unless there is a valid reason"

"I have a valid reason!" I yelled again

"Tell me" Mira said while resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

"He told me to come over" I said.

"Try again"

"I helped you with Laxus! Help me with Natsu!" I yelled.

Mira froze. she took a sticky note and pen.
"Here, if you tell anyone I will kill you I could lose me Student Rep position"



I looked at the house, it wasn't big, nor small but medium. I knocked on the door not expecting it to open anytime soon.

The door opened revealing a familiar face.

"Luce... what are you doing here" he growled.

"I..i...errr....i heard you shout mom down the... phone and I.... Errr thought that..." I stuttered.

"Well don't think next time" a deep growl came from his throat. I looked deep into his cold eyes that were on the verge of breaking.

"Please. I.... want to help" I said my voice breaking.

"Fine. but don't freak out or she'll hurt you" he turned around coldly and walked upstairs. I closed the door behind me and slowly walked up the stairs. the house was well decorated and beautiful like a mini palace but it seemed like it was weeping.

I heard Natsu talking to someone.
"Mom don't freak out okay? My friends here"

"You fool, I told you not to bring anyone here"

Then there was the coughing.
Natsu screaming
I dialling emergency services.

The sound of




Then silence.

She was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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