Part 4

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In the corner of my eye, a box appeared. It hurt so I flicked it out onto the ground and it grew larger to the size of a cereal box, popping open and making me jump. Hesitating, I reached in and apple. Someone had already taken a large bite out of it. I picked up the box and this cereal was called 'Little Bytes'. What was there to lose? I felt a little peckish, so I turned the apple around and ate some. I couldn't tell whether I was shrinking or the world around me was growing.

Whichever it was, there were lights everywhere, small blinkers linked together in paths of silver and gold. I saw one area illuminated more than the rest, so I headed over in that direction. What I found were two colourful rectangular fellows with their feet up, eating what seemed to be a rather large and slow blue browser program.

"What did you do with the add-on?" asked the larger of the two, dressed in a red and yellow striped suit.

"I left it," replied the smaller though almost as smart other in a black and red spotted overall.

"You left it? That's not right."

"No, it isn't. It's left."

They munched on, ignoring the whimpers and cries of their victim. The black and red spotted overall dressed individual noticed my arrival and nudged his larger counterpart.

"We have a guest."

"What day is it?" the large one asked.

"The next one."

"That would explain it, then. Good day..." it scrutinised me. "...madam! Please, take a link, sorry, a seat."

Relieved I had finally met someone here with manners, I sat down on a small box nearby. It gave a scream. I wasn't surprised, anything could happen here. The large suited individual wiped its mouth clean and stood up.

"I think introductions are in order..."

"Oh yes," the other chomped on.

"Our dear guest, my learned and famished friend here is Councillor Morpheus Mel, Malware extraordinaire and tormentor of many, and I am Chief Tiberius Troy, master of all, slave to none, a virus to be feared." It bowed and curtsied all at the same time. The other, the Councillor, twirled a free hand and offered a morsel.

"Would you like a byte, my dear?"

"Erm, no thank you. I've tried one, it didn't agree with me. It made me feel quite small." The apple repeated on me. "Beg your pardon."

"Yes, so I see."

Chief Tiberius Troy, 'virus to be feared', finished its bow or curtsey, showing off a rather large stomach.

"You seemed to have eaten quite a bit, yourself," I remarked.

"Yes, our appetite is quite ravenous. We like to take a byte or two."

"Or three or four."

"Or more. In fact, all of them." They laughed together.

"And what happens when you've eaten every byte? What then?" I asked. They stared at me, munching their bytes.

"We move on, up and out, through the digital highway, relishing our next meal." The Chief let go of the browser, allowing it to fall to its feet. "Change is good. Besides, I'm getting bored of this place, too many Emo backgrounds. Councillor?"

"Yes, rather."

"So, young...girl, might I enquire as to the name of our auspicious guest?"

"Alice, it's Alice."

Both creatures stopped. The Councillor still sitting and eating, dropped its part of the browser, who, realising it was now free and seeing its chance, began to crawl away.

"Excuse me, my dear? Did you say, Alice?"

"Yes, I did. Well, I'm sure I did." Was the madness here catching?

"The Alice? The one and only Alice?" They both made a slight movement forwards, which put me on edge.

"Err, I don't really know of any other Ali..."

"Quick, grab her!" They made for me but I was faster, their arms missing by inches. I ran away, back into the darkness that surrounded us. 

Once I was out of sight, they stopped following me, sighed and went back to their places, begrudgingly catching the browser yet again and dragging it back. Nobody was friendly around here. What was I to do?

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