Sugawara Koushi x Gender Neutral Reader

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Request from Iceland_san. Hope this is good ^_^

(Y/n) watched as Karasuno's Men's Volleyball team practiced.  Sugawara noticed and stopped, waving (Y/n) over. They got up and walked to the side of the court where Sugawara calmed his breathing. "I've come to watch you practice" they said smiling. Sugawara smiled upon hearing (Y/n) say that. "I'll walk you back after practice so just wait for me until then" Sugawara said. "Sugawara-senpai, who's this?" Hinata asked Sugawara. "This is my childhood friend, (L/n) (Y/n). (Y/n), this is Hinata Shouyo, one of the amazing first year I told you about." Sugawara introduced. "It's nice to meet you, (L/n)-senpai!!" Hinata greeted bowing ninety degree. "Ah...Hinata-kun, you don't have to bow." (Y/n) said awkwardly smiling. Daichi then walked up to (Y/n) greeting him. "(Y/n), how is your mother and brother?" Daichi asked. "Daichi-san, good to see you. My mother and brother are doing fine." (Y/n) smiled gently.(Don't ask. I was tired as fuck when I wrote this)

"Actually I came here to ask something......" (Y/n) said. Curious looks were shared around the volleyball club. "I came to ask if you are still accepting managers..." (Y/n) blushed slightly. Blinking slowly Sugawara smiled. "Sure (Y/n)." 

~Time Skip~

Sugawara and (Y/n) were walking back home until Sugawara asked, "Why do you want to become the manager? I thought you didn't know volleyball. (Y/n) stuttered with a blush on their cheeks. "I-I want to help the volleyball club!! And s-since you needed a manager, I volunteered!!" Sugawara stopped walking and stared at (Y/n) seriously. "What are you hiding?" Sugawara asked.

"I've like you, Koushi!! Since we've been friends when we were younger, I've always admired and looked up to you. I wanted to join because I wanted to get even closer to you and know what you loved but that's not the only reason!! I wanted to help the volleyball club since the third years are going to leave and I wanted to help everyone on the team go to finals in whatever way I can help!!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Suddenly Sugawara chuckled. "Lift your head, (Y/n)" Sugawara said and they blink in confusion. Sugawara leanw forward and places a kiss on (Y/n)'s nose smiling after. "You don't have to become the manager just to do all of that. Just being there and cheering for us would've been enough. And you could've just asked me what I loved~" Sugawara said smiling gently. "R-really??" (Y/n) asked shocked beyond relief. Suhawara nods and hugs them. They continue walking back in a comfortable silence. Until Sugawara says, "So are you going to drop being a manager?" (Y/n) shakes their head and says with a determined smile, "No! I'm going to do my best as your partner and manager of the volleyball team. All for you and the team, Koushi!!" (Y/n) winks at Sugawara and says, "But dont tell them its mostly for you."

Sugawara smiled and slipped his hand into (Y/n)'s hand and held it with a firm grip.


Could have been longer but I wrote what I wanted.


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