Yurio x Cold/Abused Male Reader

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Hiya guys long time no update ^^; Cause I'm waiting for people to request...hehe...Anyway this might be a short one? Reader's family will also be attending the competition, I'm telling you here cause I won't mention it in the beginning.

Genre: SongFic

Requested by: carnoldlol

(M/n)'s sat in a dark corner of his room staring blankly at the wall. Banging on his door made him jolt from his daydreaming. "(M/n), come out here this instant!!" A female's voice shouted from the other side of the closed door. Sighing, said male got up and opened the door only to get slapped with hand. "I told you immediately, didn't I?! So why did I have to wait, you devil!!" 'Ah~ She's angry at me for a stupid reason. I don't understand why they even want to bother me'  (M/n) thought as he stared at the woman whom he called 'Mother'."Mother, I have to get ready soon. The Figure Skating Competition is starting soon." (M/n) was a soft spoken person. He learned to not fight back as he would get hit every time he did so. "Hurry up!! I don't want to miss the other skater's performances!!" His mother shouted before turning and walking around. "...They don't know what it's like...I bet they would die before stepping in my shoes..." As (M/n) walked into the living room, he got shoved to the side by his sister. "Oops~ I didn't know you were there. You dirtied my clothes and now I have to change again" Hikari sighed before kicking him onto the floor. A thud sounded but no one went to check up on them. "Is this what you're wearing? It doesn't fit you at all" She giggled before stripping him off his costume and tearing it to shreds. She got off him and walked away. (M/n) stared at his torn up costume and picked it up. 'Now I have to forfeit..." (M/n) said before getting up and walking out the house with his duffle bag.

 As he reached the stadium he met his coach, Akiyama Sora. She was a beauty who competed in her younger days. "I see they did it again. Why don't you ever stop them?" Sora asked as she placed her hand on his cheek. He stared at her with a cold gaze before saying, "I'm forfeiting." "What, why?" The female asked. "My costume got torn to shreds, I can't compete with a torn costume" (M/n) reasoned. "What?! Ugh, I swear that idiot family of yours...Doesn't matter, I have a backup costume and it's perfect for you. So go show them what you're made of" Sora smiled gently as she pulled him along into the building(Costume is up there^). Sighing in defeat (M/n) let Sora drag him.

~Time Skip~

(M/n) was walking down the hall with his usual cold stare. While he was walking he suddenly bumped into someone. "Oi, watch where you're going, you shithead!" A male voice called out. Looking down, (M/n) found himself looking at a certain prodigy. "What're you staring at!" This certain prodigy was none other than Yuri Plisetsky or also known as Yurio by Viktor and Yuri. (M/n) stared at him before he walked off leaving Yurio confused as hell(Couldn't help myself ;3). 'What a weirdo...but there's something interesting about him' Yurio thought. "We'll be starting the competition, participants please get ready" The announcer informed. (M/n) walked to his coach before sitting next to her. As he waited for his turn, Sora turned his face to her before surprising him by kissing him on his forehead. "I know you'll do great out there. Don't hold back and just feel the song flowing through you. You don't have to win, just enjoy yourself, my Caged Swan" Sora whispered into his ear before smiling brightly. Slowly a small smile appeared on his face making Sora's smile even bigger. "You're up, (M/n). Go show them that every bird needs it's freedom." (M/n) took off his jacket and pants folding them and his blade guards and giving them to Sora.

This may suck but pls bear with me T~T

He stepped onto the rink before sliding to his position in the middle or the rink. "We have (L/n) (M/n) in the rink. His theme is ''Saving."

As the music started, (M/n) moved from his still position. He slid across the ice as if he were flying. He glided across the ice with ease moving according to the beat of the song he composed. "We have (L/n) (M/n) performing a self-composed song 'My Demons'. I see that his jumps and spins are of high difficulty. First off we have a double Lutz followed by a double Toe Loop." (M/n) gracefully slid on the ice before performing a double Lutz and and double Toe Loop. He landed with grace before moving on to performing moves with accordance to the song. "Triple Toe Loop, Salchow, Axel." As the commentators read aloud his jumps and spins, (M/n) felt alive. He felt the music flowing in his body. It was simply euphoric. To him everything else didn't matter. A simple glide before jumping into the air, landing perfectly. The song came to an ending leaving (M/n) breathless and panting all the while posing. The entire stadium cheered, his coach Sora smiled with tears in here eyes. His parents who watched his performance had shocked faces, never once did they think their son had it in him and they were proved wrong. Yurio stared with interest at (M/n)'s breathless form. Not once had he seen someone who had so much hidden talent in them. (M/n) slid to the opening of the rink before getting jumped by Sora.

"Oof!" (M/n)'s body collided with the floor. "Itte[1]! Sora, what did you do that for?" (M/n) asked pushing her lightly. "I'm so proud of you, (M/n)! You showed them who you really are!" Sora exclaimed smiling brightly. As Sora got off him, Yurio walked past them as it was his turn on the ice whispering only so (M/n) could hear. "Meet me in the waiting room later." (M/n) turned his head toward the prodigy confusion in his eyes. After (M/n) wore his clothes back, they went to check on his score. "(L/n) (M/n) has shocked us! His beautiful performance on the ice was spectacular. The judges have turned in the scores. (L/n) (M/n) has taken first place with a shocking 315 points!" (M/n)'s eyes widened before a few tears escaped them. Sora jumped up in happiness before glomping him. "I knew you could do it!! My baby has taken first place!!"

After (M/n) got his bags, the said male said a goodbye to Sora before turning to leave for the waiting room. As he walked into the waiting room, he did not expect Yurio to be bent over while putting on his clothes. "S-STOP STARING!!" The Russian stuttered with a blush. A rosy hue bloomed on (M/n)'s face as he continued staring at Yurio's lean yet somewhat muscular form. "S-Sorry..." (M/n) apologized before turning around. Yurio finished putting his clothes on and said, "You can turn around now." (M/n) turned around with a blush still evident on his cheeks. "Congratulations on first place. But that's not the only thing I wanted to say." (M/n) tilted his head to the side with an emotionless gaze. "Become mine. I want you to become mine" The blonde Russian stated holding (M/n)'s gaze. "Why?....You don't even know me. Why do you want me?" The (H/c) male asked. "Because I saw the way you performed on the ice. It's as if you were caged yet free. I like that about you." (M/n) had a shocked look in his eyes yet his face was emotionless. "I'm a caged bird. I've been abused and I'm broken inside. I have my demons wanting to break out. So why would you want someone like that?" (M/n) asked while stating bluntly. "Then I'll help you. Because I see the emptiness in your eyes. I want them to shine bright with emotions. So become mine, (L/n) (M/n). Become mine and shine like the Swan you are" Yurio said. He walked up to (M/n) before pulling him down and kissing his surprisingly soft lips. (M/n) gave in and responded circling his arms around Yurio's waist. Tears escaped (M/n)'s eyes as he thought, 'Ah...Thank you Kamisama[2]'

Itte = Ouch/Hurts

Kamisama = God in Japanese

Sorry for the wait ^^;

Kurai signing off

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