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I cried at the paper below me. I felt my heart clench and thought of all the things my father will say. 'Your a disgrace' he'll yell at me, but I'm not. I mean I try not to I do my best in school and he will kill me once I show him my test score. It's a B+, for my whole semester it was a A+. Yet now I look down and see this.

All I want to do is be the best. I'm scared of failure. It's my father's fault. 'People don't make mistakes idiots do' he would say then hit me if I say other wise. It's my last year in high school and I have made no friends, or joined to sports team, or even went on a date. I have never had my first kiss or even held hands with a girl.

However I don't wanna hold or kiss a girl. At least I don't think I do. I feel that boys are more attractive than girls however my father is a homophobic. Not saying I'm GAY exactly yet I'm not exactly the straightest line.

I hear the door wobble and keys jingle from the front door. I gasped wiping my eyes and stuffing the test in my pants pocket. The door flew open and Father did not look happy. My chest was rising as he made a face of disgust at me. "Where's your test?" I bit my lip, wondering How did he know?

I stayed quiet. "Well give it here!" He raised his voice. I felt the tears run down my cheek again. I slowly put my hand in my pocket and took out the crumbled test. "Why is it crumbled and messy!?" I slowly walked to him giving him the paper. He snatched it and saw the grade. He's eyes widened.

"I-I'm so sorry f-father" I cried holding my chest. "Do you think this is acceptable!?" He shoved it in my face. "N-No!" He griped the collar of my shirt. "What is this!?" He yelled his steaming hot breath hitting my face.

"Failure" I spoke softly. "So why did you achieve failure!?" He yelled louder, his,veins popping out of his neck. "B-because I don't work hard e-enough" even thought I did. Mr.Beckham has it out for me.  "Get out I can't even see your face right now!" He pushed my out of the front door.

I haven't been yelled like that since I brought a A- on my 7th grade essay. I ran off my doorstep to the only place I can get away from my father. It's this little abandoned park I found no one goes there except me because no one knows about it.

I sat on the rusty swing set and tried to wipe away my tears. Sometimes I wish I lived with my mom. Her and my father had a nasty divorce and there was a custody battle for me in 8th grade. My father won because he got this amazing lawyer and paid him thousands. My mom couldn't afford such a great lawyer so it didn't work out in her favor. I chose to live with my dad because my mom was dating this man I didn't like, and my father wasn't dating anyone so I just stayed with my dad.

And I've regretted it ever since.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard leaves crunching and I wast moving. Oh god I'm gonna die. I always new this park had wild animals. Maybe it's a bear who's gonna rip me limb to limb. At this point I don't even care put me out of my misery. There footsteps only got louder as the thing got closer. I started to breathe harder. "I-if your gonna k-kill me at l-least leave my b-body so someone c-can identify me" I muttered under my breath.

"Why would I want to kill someone with such a cute face"

I snapped my head to the voice and noticed it was a boy. He had ocean eyes, blond hair, muscles, and a killer smile. "O-oh I thought y-you were a bear" I giggled at my stupidity. "No I'm not a bear but I am Jason McCann nice to met ya" he winked. "I-I'm Justin...Justin B-Bieber" I spoke lowly. "Justin, its suits you"

"What h-how?" He chuckled, "I don't know it just does" I stared at him. "So why is someone like you out here by your self?"he asked. I should ask him the same thing, "This is m-my secret h-hiding p-place so I could G-get a-away" I shrugged. "Really? Same thing for me" he pulled out a cigarette. He started to lite the death stick and puffed it. "Aren't y-you T-to young t-to d-die" he chuckled. "Well the way my life is going I wouldn't mind".

"Y-you shouldn't w-want to d-die" I mumbled. "And you shouldn't want to get away. So why are you away?" I looked down not wanting to tell my business. I mean it's not like I'm gonna see Jason again so why not. "My f-father he's j-just he puts to much p-pressure on me. H-he made me scared of f-failure. I get hit and punished for A's and B's and It's just-" Jason cut my off "Overwhelming" he answered. I nodded.

"Well you know what I think?" No "I think he shouldn't be hitting you. Is that why you have a bruise on your neck" I looked down at it. I covered it with my sweater how could he have noticed. I nodded holding my neck. "I can't have you go back there" I cocked an eyebrow.

"W-What?" He sat next to me on the swing set. "You should come to my house stay for a while. Play some video games with me and we can relax until your dad is asleep and you can go home"

"T-that's s-sweet b-but I don't e-even know you" he smiled swinging. "Well I'm Jason McCann you already know that. I like basketball, rap music, and Spaghetti. Is that enough for you?" I giggled. "I g-guess?" He smiled standing up. "So Justin you want to come to my house or not?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

I mean I rather go to a strangers house than go back home with my father. "S-sure" I answered. He smiled walking away so I followed. He pulled out car keys and opened the door. It was a Toyota. "Y-you can d-drive?" I sat in the back. "Yeah it's my parents car but why are you sitting in the backseat?" He asked. "Because m-my f-father-"

"Well I'm not your father come sit in the front" I was hesitant but I listened and sat in the front. "Woah" I mumbled. It's weird. Jason chuckled at my wide eyes and started driving. "So do you live o-outside of the n-neighborhood?"

"Well not exactly" he said as we arrived to the rich side. I was shocked at the huge houses. "Woah" i said again. "T-this is crazy. Y-your c-crazy" I said so confused. "What?"

"I j-just met you and I'm I-in your car and I-I'm going I-into your R-rich house and" I cut myself off. "You d-don't want to hang out with me?" He asked with a frown on his face. "N-no I do I do but I-I don't know y-you very well I n-never had a friend before"

"We don't have to go to my house if you don't feel comfortable yet and how come someone as sweet as you has no friends?" I blushed shrugging.

"We can do whatever you want I just don't want you to go home just not now" Why does he care? I just met this guy and he takes better care of me then my dad ever did. "Why do you c-care?"

"To be honest it's just something about you. I just feel the need to protect you. I know it sounds odd but it's just how I feel" I couldn't help but smile at that. "W-we can go to y-your house" he smiled and nodded before parking at the biggest house there.

"Ready?" He asked and I just nodded leaving the car. Well this will be fun. I hope...


Hi Guys! I just love the idea of this book. What do you think about it? Comment what you thought I hope you guys love it. 💖✨👑

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