1- Behind the eyes of a lunatic

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Watching the clock somehow get slower and slower the more I looked at it, I heard Mr Taleni shout at some poor kid behind me for not paying attention. Oh if only he knew that half of this class had more interest in the carvings on their desk, than they did on his pointless babbling.

"Mr. Crooker, if you were to put as much effort into being an underachiever into your Literature coursework, your IQ would almost be a complete match to Einstein." There were few simple laughs from around the room, but they merely lasted a couple of seconds.

Now, I love English lit. I've already decided it's probably going to be my major in college, but Mr Taleni almost makes me change my mind. I've never met a person that seems to have a constant stick up their ass. It's not our fault that he is unable to hold anyone's attention, I mean come on man - a monotone voice for a whole hour...before lunch?

"Come on class, a simpleton could accomplish this piece of work." His endless sighs lingered throughout the whole room.

"Miss Brooks" He said with a loud clap. Practically jumping out of my chair, my dazing self was relieved it was only the nagging old man, I really did need to start paying attention more in class.

"Oh it's you" I said flatly. Seeing his expression, it was probably the wrong thing to say.

"I mean Ooo, it's youuu." I screeched a bit more enthusiastically, while pointing my index fingers towards him. I dragged my hands back down to my lap, when I had saw he was still as amused as a fat kid with a treadmill for christmas.

"Please explain to the class the contrast of Caliban and Ariel." He continued to bore on.

Oh yeah, we were currently reading the tempest, or should I say re-re reading the tempest. Somehow he assumed I was his star pupil, just because I raised my hand once at the start of the year.

Curse my ability to learn.

So whenever nobody bothered to act like a human and actually communicate, I was left with the old dragon breathing down my neck.

"I guess Ariel is more of a light spirit and he is an earth bound spirit? I think" Not making eye contact with me, he rolled his eyes, and made his way to the back of the room, and hovered over a guy named Tate, who was currently far from awake.

I don't think I had ever seen him even pick up his pen in literature, it was as if the side of his face was permanently glued to his desk.

I mean, it wouldn't surprise me. The amount of pranks that get pulled in this place is ridiculous. You know Tom Miller literally super glued everything to the ceiling in the art room?

For what reason? We will never know.

"Mr. Capetti" Placing his hand on Tate's shoulder, it had woke him and made him almost immediately grab Mr. Taleni by his wrist, and had it twisted at a 90• degree angle. Before he even knew what he was doing, Mr. Taleni had been whimpering in pain. The class was so silent you could hear a pin drop (literally, I think a girl behind me had dropped her safety pin due to shock).

As he let go of his grip, he automatically got out of his seat, and was out of the class in seconds; but just before he had left, his eyes surprisingly had landed on me. The blue orbs of light had somehow found mine out everyone in this class.

Weird, right?

Mr Taleni tried to act like he hadn't just been hurt by one of his own student, he muttered some profanities under his breath, cleared his throat and began to go on about an assignment we had.

As the bell rang, everyone was dismissed for lunch, and soon enough the news had already traveled the school campus 5 times.

Up ahead, I saw Leyla running towards me, with her hands and hair flying in every direction but straight. She looked like a mad women being chased down by her flock of cats.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now