10- Dear Agony Aunt

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Dear agony aunt

I've liked my best friend since we were in the 4th grade and he still doesn't know. I don't want to ruin our friendship by telling him,

What do I do????????????

From: Bestfriend101

Watching the screen with pursed lips, I found myself starting my reply and back spacing it about 10 times or so.

Grabbing the top of my head, I bit down on lip before putting my fingers to the keyboard.

Dear Bestfriend101

I even struggled answering this and I'm meant to be the guru in this situation. If I were you, I would go ahead and tell them my feelings, it would be a huge weight off of your chest, no one should carry around something like that with them.

Yes he may freak out, but if you 2 are the best of friends as you make out to be, then he'll get over it or even better, he could feel the same way.

Good luck .

From Agony Aunt x

I had been answering people's problems for the past hour, and was growing slightly tired of it all. How was it that i could solve other people's problems, yet I didnt have a clue on what to do with my own. Standing up from my chair, I stretched my arms before turning the music I had on louder.

I was the only one home as everyone had something way more important to do apparently.

Sauntering over to my closet, I pulled out a white tee and grey joggers. I needed to get out of these clothes..

Dancing along to the Arctic monkeys, I sang along to every word as I stripped out of my skirt.

"I bet that you look good on the dance floor!" I croaked as I fell onto the floor while trying to get into my joggers.

Laughing to myself, a second laugh had joined mine after a few seconds. Slowly peeping my head up and out of the window, I saw Tate sitting outside his window looking at me with pure amusement, as he held a cigarette between his thumb and index finger.

"Nice singing Kitten" clenching my fists, I poked my head out of my window and pointed a finger in his direction.

"I said, don't call me that!" I didn't even really have to shout. It was annoyingly strange that our houses were so freaking close.

Flicking his cigarette in my direction, I watched it fall down onto my window pane and looked up to him gazing up at the sky.

"Why'd you run off earlier?" After a second or two, he looked down at me with his eyebrows knitted together.

Brushing the cigarette off of my window pane, I pursed my lips and gazed at his pale face.

What was I suppose to say? I was jealous of a girl I had never met?

"I didn't feel well" I lied. Nodding his head slowly, he stood up from where he had been sitting, and leaped towards me. Placing one foot in my room and the other hung lazily out of the window.

"We should do our project about the sky. I mean don't you think its amazing, and the stars aswell. .... cause you you know they'll definitely be there tomorrow.. No matter what, above and beyond right?" Glancing back at me with a childlike smile, my heart began to race as his arm brushed over mine momentarily.

Shit, the project.

"Tate, I asked Mrs Ryans if we could do separate projects and she said yes....it's what you wanted right?" Leaning his head on my wall, he peered over at me before nodding his head.

Behind the eyes of a lunatic (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now