The Hunt Continues

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They started to move to find the penguin then they saw a dog. They got out to play with it but it bit Gouge. Then they noticed the dog had rabies so they put the dog and Gouge out of there misery. Then they fucked Gouges dead body then they threw it to the Horny badgers. They soon saw a medical dog Dilbo got out to save it then a 200 pound kangaroo started to strangle the dog .    

That's him                                                               ^

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That's him                                                               ^. Dilbo got out and fought the kangaroo he went for the first attack. The jacked kangaroo kicked him Dilbo went flying to the ground. He got back up and slapped the jack kangaroo it was effective. The kangaroo then attacked and missed when this happen the dog the bit its tail. The kangaroo got scared and fled. It friend who was puny came and strangled the dog. The dog was being chocked so Dilbo attacked it. Watch the video at the top now. They drove a little farther out and saw him. The dog was rescued and the kangaroo was amazed how he was still standing from such a strong kick. He also got autism i mean the kangaroo.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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