The Safari

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           One day, a group of guys were driving around the safari looking for there favorite animals... Penguins. They went to sleep after a few hours a looking. 

"Hey Jim you awake, I think i heard a penguin."

"Yea Frank i'm up and I thought i heard one too lets go look."

They went out side to go see what it was. Then they saw a black and white small things. They ran up to see if it was it. Then it turned out to be a honey badger they tried to run but failed. The next morning the others woke up and saw Frank and Jim were missing. They got scared so they went to look around for/ them. All they found though were limbs of there body. They got scared and wonder what happened one of the guys Dilbo said" I saw two people walk out of a tent and i was wondering why but i just laid back down." They went to look around one off them found a small blood trails. When they got to the end they found a lot of blood. They thought a loin or a tiger did it. One was like what about a liger. Then they all agreed a liger did it.

"Hey Andiana Junes i think i found something its purple and looks like a penis."

"CUMMING GOUGE can't talk that much almost there, almost there and succeeded."

When Andiana Junes got there he was amazed he saw Dilbo dressed up like a purple dildo. They laughed up the Dilbo woke up and said "what". Then he saw what he was wearing and noticed he packed his unease that looked like a dildo.

Guy Assaults Kangaroo...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin