We are doing what?!

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Woohoo first Kagehina fic, lets do this my dudes.


Kageyama's POV

It was fucking freezing outside. The morning was incredibly cold for an October day, the dew still dripping off of the blades of dying grass and the leaves painted in florescent yellows, reds, and oranges swirled around in the nipping wind. Dawn had broken through the horizon around a half an hour ago and now the sky seemed to be painted in pastel colors. It might be fucking freezing out, but there was no denying that it was simply beautiful outside. I take a deep breath of fresh air and I drag my feet forward towards the school. My cheeks and nose where flushed from the wind and air, causing my nose to dribble ever so slightly. I draw back my coat arm and take a look at my watch, 6:02, if I dawdle any longer then I'll miss morning practice. As I thought about it I gave an exhausted sigh, practice wasn't going well for us at all. For some reason as a team we have all drifted apart for some reason. Its  just crumbling within our fingers. It was a disaster, I know that if we don't get our act together soon and become a team once again it will hurt us immensely, leading to many more fights. The thought kept crossing my mind though, it wouldn't leave me alone and I couldn't help but wonder about the situation and how to help. I wanted our team to stay of the court and playing as long as possible but the question is, how dose one put a team back together? I burry my nose into my scarf and tried to think. There had to be something, something that I've missed or blew over. Something that I've miss calculated there has to be. My midnight blue eyes where intently burning holes in the sidewalk, like it had answers that it ceased to give me. This topic has been bothering me, I've even been loosing precious sleep over the matter which, did not in fact help my volleyball playing, or my plummeting grades. Why can't I figure this out? There has to be-

"KAAAAAAAAAGEEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAA" The loud screech drew me out of my thoughts and back to reality. There, running toward me was Hinata. His ginger hair messy and windblown, his cheeks and nose red and flushed much like mine. He was clad in winter wear, a light yellow scarf was loosely tied around his neck, and he was sporting a royal blue over coat. He looked like a sunrise just with more popping colors. As he jumped off his bike and raced toward me with a smile as blinding as the sun. 

"Hey, Hinata." I mumbled out. Behind my tough exterior I was actually extremely happy to see him. Maybe he could distract me from my ensemble of thoughts and solutions. I mean damn, who wouldn't be distracted by that smile. 


So what if I'm crushing on a dude.

He's hella cute leave me alone.

He gave my another warm smile and greeted me like he literally jus crawled out of bed.

"mornin' Kages." His voice was kind of scratchy, as I said, it looked like he just woke up. Jesus what I wouldn't do to see that every morning. Yet at the same time I absolutely hated the nickname he gave me.

"Oi dumbass how many times have I told you not to call me 'kages'?" I scolded  him in a sort of playful way. He gave a small grin and retorted,

"About a million gazillion times, won't you just except that I'm never going to stop calling you that?" 

"If you call me that then you will force me to give you a dumb nickname"

"Oh lord save us all! What am I ever to do! A nickname? May god strike me down where I stand there is no worse punishment then a name that is not my own! Oh Kageyama-kun how can I ever beg for your mercy!?" Hinata dramatically leaned on me as I shoved him off. A smug grin loosely fitted on his face as he annoyed the ever loving crap out of me with his sarcasm. By now we where not to far from the school, the sidewalk was starting to widen and I could see the school looming over us in the early hours of the day.

"Shut up ass hat." I mumbled out in irritation.

"But kageyama-kun we where having fuuuuuuuuuun" he wined behind me as I quickened my pace hoping to get to the school faster. I mean I love the guy, he had me wrapped around his finger, but I can't help but think of how irritating he can be at some points. 

Finally after another 10 minutes of playful bickering we had finally made it to the school. At the front gate Hinata chained up his bike as I waited patently for him to finish up. For some reason at this moment I couldn't help but notice how much his hair remind me of fall. Swirling in the colors of orange and brown, his eyes shifting between the colors of cinnamon and caramel where to absolutely die for. His skin, soft and pale represented the lack of sun due to the time changing. To be honest he was the embodiment of fall, the embodiment of gorgeous as well. Once he finished chaining up his bike he looked over at me and caught me in the act of admiring him. I jumped a bit and looked away praying he didn't see the slight hint of pink in my cheeks. Yet, his eyes called me back to look at him once agin, so I did. I felt like I saw right into his soul, excitement and pure sunlight draped it. He gave a loose smirk and then he was off.

"RACE YOU TO THE GYM!" He called out laughing, knowing he left me in a state of shock and hesitation. The minute I realized what was going on I ran right after him.

"NO FAIR DUMBASS YOU GOT A HEAD START!" I growled out. I heard a set of chuckles as we both race in to the club room to get undressed. Hinata, seeing as he had a head start, beat me to changing and ultimately beat me to the gym. We bickered as we entered the gym on weather to count that race or not. Yet, as we walked in we saw most of the team gathered around Dachi. Hinata and I curiously waked over to examine what was so interesting. Before we could actually find out what everyone was so focused in on the whole team, minus Hinata and I, screamed in utter shock.



Word Count 1119.

There is the first chapter! Hopefully I will be updating every friday or so, we will see. 

The Dock (Kageyama x Hinata)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant