Car Rides And Hamilton

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~Kageyama's POV~

Everyone going had to meet a Dachi's house, seems simple enough right? 

Wrong. So very very wrong. You see Dachi's house is on the other side of town. Now your most likely asking 'Kageyama you baka you can just get a ride from your parents! See simple?'. Well you see my friend my parents aren't around much so I have to walk almost everywhere. So that little incident lead me here, walking through the crowed town square trying to get to Dachi's house with a duffle bag slung over my shoulder. I don't think I have ever been so god damn embarrassed in my life, it looked like I was running away and to be honest the stares weren't helping at all. Not to mention in was pretty cold out, great. 

The shops and stores where bustling with color and people, kids and teenagers strolled around the square and shops. New love was blooming by the elegant fountain in the center of the square. Good friends where mending and building up their friendships in the shops and curious children where weaving through the legs of people crowding the square. It was so big, so alive, the cold weather bit and bloomed all over my cheeks and forehead, the wind swirled and shifted the hair and lives of every person. Then there was me, alone and embarrassed in this big old word. I continued to shuffle along the cobble streets keeping my head held high in sort of a content scary expression. Continuing alone through the streets then to the outskirts of the town to get to Dachi's house. The crowd was thinning until I was the only wanderer strolling around this lone street. Trees started to take over the surrounding area shielding from the already setting sun, it was getting colder and colder as the night fell but I knew that I was getting close. Dachi lived in a small cozy home in the middle of the woods with a few other houses dotting around the area, to be honest where he lived was incredibly beautiful. The way the sun shined through the leaves of the trees, patches of sun dotting the dirt and mud of the area. It seemed like heaven for a nature lover. 

Eventually I stumbled onto where Dachi lived and really saw nothing, until his home broke through the thick patches of trees. An old cottage with ivy and moss almost overtaking it. The outside was made of dark fraying oak and through the window everything in his house looked like golden honey. I marveled at the small house, it might not have been impressing but it was so homey like. How a house should be...

"HEY KAGEYAMA OVER HERE" Dachi's yell ripped through the peace and pulled me out of the thoughts of a home. He jogged over to me with a light gray tee shirt and jeans on. He smiled wide and started pulling me around the back of the house. Around the back of the old cottage was where the 'party' seemed to be. Almost the whole team was there waiting in comfortable street cloths. There where fairy lights strung up above the patio, the small outdoor table and chairs where right under it in all of its half rustic glory. A trailer, truck, and old Mercedes was waiting on the gravel drive. I was, obviously, the last member there. To be honest everyone looked quite happy to be here, the woods where alive with laughing and yelling from my fellow team mates. Dachi went around to where the trailer was and started explaining. 

"Alright, now that everyone is here I should get to explaining. We are all sleeping in the camper attached to the truck, yes beds will have to be shared but we will go over that at the camp site or whenever. Five people can fit in the car and five can fit in the truck. I will be driving the truck and Suga will be driving the car. So throw you bags in the camper and split up so we can get going." Dachi said all of instructions with a goofy smile on his face. Even if it might not be as expected, this trip would be really really fun. 

In the truck was Tsukki, Yamagachi, Asahi, and of course Dachi. In the car was Suga, Tanaka, Nishnoya, Hinata, and of course me. We all piled in, Tanaka got the front seat so the rest of us had to squeeze in the back, I got the left window with Hinata sitting next to me all squished. I could've sworn I saw him blushing a bit...strange. We set off,  I put in my ear buds and started listening to music. I found this play called Hamilton, it was about american history and all but the music was very very good. I taped on the playlist and started playing the production on shuffle. I turned the sound all the way up to drown myself in it, to feel the beat and the voices vibrations putting me in a relaxed state of sound. The intro of the first song Alexander Hamilton played and before I could even get through it I heard Hinata yelling. 

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT KAGEYAMA IS THAT HAMILTON? SHIT TURN THAT UP THATS MY FUCKING JAM." He was pretty much bouncing all over the car freaking out. Who knew we liked the same music. Cute. I pulled out my ear bud jack and turned up the music to full volume. Suga started laughing and handed me the aux cord. I plugged it in shuffling the playlist. The car was radiating with vibrations and music. The first song on shuffle was You'll Be Back. A grin of pure pleasure grew on my face as I started sining along. My eyes where closed and my head was tilted up. It was half laughing and and half singing as well as I could. This was really really fun, I was having the time of my life and it was only the start. It was waffly quiet in the car though. I opened my eyes and turned over to see the rest of the car looking at me baffled. Hinata's eyes where sparking his mouth agape and a blush that was oh so obvious. 

"Don't stop." Hinata managed to say, a huge grin was shining on his face. He looked breath taking. I started up again, singing my heart out to the songs I loved.

~Hinata POV~

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK HOLY FUCKING FUCK. NO ONE WARNED ME FOR THIS. NO ONE WARNED ME THAT MY SETTER, THAT BEAUTIFUL MOTHERFUCKER THAT I REALLY LIKE COULD SING. I AM BLESSED, I HAVE BEEN BLESSED. I DON'T WANT TO THANK NOT ONLY GOD BUT JESUS AS WELL. I AM DYING. Jesus if I would have him, if he would sing for me and only me I swear. I swear I would be the luckiest man on earth, no in the whole entire galaxy. I am utterly and completely in love with that mother fucker. This incident only made we want to kiss him even more. Jesus. I was awe struck by him, by his voice of an angel. My face most likely gave me away, it was so very red. I couldn't keep my mouth shut my jaw was just dropped. He stopped and looked around at our stunned faces. His eyes where frantic and sort of scared but they sparkly, like the night sky full of stars. The orbs of the galaxy landed on me. I couldn't help my smile as I some how found the words.

"Don't stop." He didn't. He kept going. Damn I don't just want him anymore, I need him. 


Word count: 1316

Okay so I'm a bit late but thats okay. Woohoo that was a hard chapter to write, any who I'll see you next time whenever that is. 


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