Sunrises and My Sunshine

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I lied I'm updating earlier :D


Hinata and I jumped and tried looked over the stunned boys, I having more progress the tiny little Hinata. There was Dachi, in the middle of it all with an expression that read "holy shit what have I done". Next to him stood a stunned Suga, and as you probably figured out a bewildered team all surrounding the poor third year. Dachi's eyes franticly scanned the crowd to find something to say, something to point out to get all the attention off of him. Finally after all of the commotion and freaking out I finally piped up to ask what the hell was going on.

"Oh yes I forgot that you weren't here Kageyama when I addressed this." He have a nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his neck.

"HEY I'M HERE TOO" Hinata piped up jumping to get his attention. 

"Oh yes, you to Hinata. So since we all have noticed, this team is falling apart at the seams. So I preposed, to all of everyones shock, a team bonding trip." Dachi tried explaining himself as best he could, being flushed and panicked as he was, I would say he was doing pretty well. To be honest though it wasn't to bad of an idea. Sometime for the team to get it together and bond like a family, or something like that. "So you see, I didn't really think this through to much. To be honest I thought that everyone would be down for it, so I booked the trip. Camping. We are going camping" Wait. WHAT.

"WAIT WHAT" Hinata and I said in unison. Camping? Are you actually serous, its freezing out. Its October for christ sake! He wants us to go freezing our asses off for some bonding time? Jesus he is absolutely insane sometimes.

The whole team looked quite reluctant, I wouldn't blame them. At this point I could tell that Dachi has reached the end of his rope. I know he was trying to be cool about the whole situation, we all knew he was trying to piece the team back together.

How do you piece a team back together? How? Questions and solutions that I had been trying to block out all day have swarmed my head once again. 

"Alright thats it. Not all of you have to go, only the people who need it. So these are the people who have no choice but to go because you people need it the most. It will be me, Suga, Noya, Asahi, Tukkishima, Yamagachi, Tanaka, Hinata, and lastly Kageyama. No ifs, ands, or buts, we all need to get closer as a team. We are drifting, so you are coming with me. Its this friday we leave, we will be coming back on Sunday night. Now lets start practice." His voice was firm, and eyes where ablaze, determination and discipline burned beyond the coffee ground brown orbs. The rest of the team slinked away as the eight of us stood rigid. When he dismissed us we went and started setting up practice, annoyed grumbles had scattered through out the gym as we started. Dachi was right, we did need this. It was Monday so we had a whole week to prepare for this. Jesus. Who known what could happen on this trip.

~Time skip to Friday~

The week had came and gone. Today was the day we spent a week of freezing our god damned asses off. Dachi canceled practice this morning saying that we would need the sleep. Jesus, this will be um... an experience. 

My alarm woke me up early this morning, the screeching and blaring absolutely annoyed me to the point where I cannot stand it. I looked over at the gleaming numbers and slapped the top of the black blearing box to shut it up. I dragged myself out of the comfort and warmth of my duvet and trudged out of bed slipping on a navy blue zip up that had 'water' stitched in the left chest. The house was cool, leaving me shivering in the slightest. 

No one home, per usual. My parents always had better things to do then watch over me, they leave before me in the morning, and come home right before I go to bed. Usually not in time for dinner, after four year the empty home feeling never grows on you. I pour some hot water into the instant oatmeal (so traditional I KNOW) and left it on the grant counter letting it, how would you describe it? Brew? Yeah, I let it brew as I went up stairs to get ready for school. Brushing my teeth, taming my hair, pulling on my uniform and grabbing my backpack. I swiftly drifted down the stairs, inhaling my oatmeal I got out the door and went on my way to school. 

The walk to school was uneventful. The sky today was a pinkish orange mixed with gold and silver. I stopped at a near by drop off that was contently placed near my house. I stopped for a moment admiring the world around me. The sun, reaching out in the sky, climbing the grey clouds trying to find its correct place in it. The trees leaves where floating around in the slight breeze. Gold, orange, red, and brown swirled around the atmosphere making me feel as if I was in an anime, or a painting, maybe even a picture in those magazines.  If the morning couldn't get cheesy enough I heard someone softly whisper behind me.

"Incredible isn't it?" I gasped in surprise and whipped my head around only to see the sunshine to my life.

"Hinata?" I yelped out. No one really knows about my little interest in sunrises and the sky itself. Its not really seen as, well, 'manly'. "Hinata what are you doing here? Y-you know where the meeting spot is and its no where near here." I questioned him trying to get answers, I was also trying to hid up my own embarrassment. Hinata chucked a bit, he could see right through me, like the fog that blanketed the early morning sky.

"You should see the sunrise from where I live. Up on the mountain you can see for miles. It seems like I got up to early so instead of waiting for you at our spot I decided to find you." He piped up in a sort of quiet voice. I never seen this part of him its so...gentle and kind.  

"Dumbass don't say such things so casually, this is turning into one of those romance mangas." Jesus I hope so. Instead of leaving, or even having any other conversation about it we just stood there. We stood watching the sky, our breaths pooling up to join the silver clouds. Sooner or later I turned to look at the ginger so stilly standing next to me. His eyes looked like they where glowing, an orange nutmeg glow light them up. His hair, holy fucking shit his hair looked like a brand of fire. The soft ruffle, the light hitting it just right, he looked stunning, no, luminous. A sly smile grew on his face as he teased,

"You know Kageyama-kun its rude to stare~" he giggled a bit at the sight of me. Flustered and stuttering like a fool (FOOLS).

"Dumbass shut up, we're gonna be late." I grumbled trying to hide my red face. Dumbass

Throughout the whole day in our classes whenever we would connect eyes he would wiggle his eyebrows and smirk like he knew something. He didn't know though, at least I didn't think he would. Fuck what if he did? What is he knew and he was trying to tease me? That shit head. By lunch I was a paranoid blushing mess. Keeping my feelings, not to mention my easy embarrassment, at bay was harder then I anticipated. Stupid Hinata with his stupid hair and his stupid beautiful eyes and his absolutely dumb personality that makes me smile at night-GET IT TOGETHER TOBIO YOU CAN DO T H I S. Fucking hell how am I suppose to spend a whole weekend camping beneath the stars sky with him? Jesus save me from this beautiful devil that is my spiker. 


Word count: 1414

Ok so screw the schedule of me posting once a week, this story will update a few times a week (?) Any who please do not be afraid to give me some feed back on the story, it dose help me a lot. Until next time.



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