Cutting Ties

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I know even as we aren't even looking at one another, as I continue to scrawl out my words that aren't meant for your eyes, I can tell you are growing more angered and suspicious. You're eyes follow my folded message, to one of our friends, and back to the note that I hope you never see and that you never know. You hold in all of your emotions like you have since this previous week. You hold and hold and hold until...BOOM! You've finally exploded and immediately your volcanic lava burst from you. As you're lava inches closer and closer and you spit out acid words at me for the umpteenth time, I can feel the hot air burn my skin and tears build up in my eyes that just threaten to fall. I remember whenever I was unnoticed and was a part of the background, I see that your smile is genuine and that you're  truly felt happy. Whenever I was near however, when I looked you in the eyes all they displayed was negativity, I would always look at you and couldn't help but think," I'm unwanted by you." So at this moment as I'm backing away closer to the edge of the cliff. The edge of your volcanic island. I inhale the hot air and I stop dead in my tracks as soon as my heels are already over the edge. As I exhale I whisper," Goodbye," and I lean back ever so slowly and finally I let gravity carry me to the ocean below. Right as I break through the surface of the water, I finally feel safe. Here I see the sea grass, coral, sponges, sky-blue angelfish, lionfish and other forms of ocean-life. I feel welcomed for once in this lively yet peaceful place unlike how I felt endangered, unneeded and unwanted on the island. I think to myself of how overjoyed I am to have finally cut ties with you.

I finally feel wanted...

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