Dribble Drabble

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Before I start. I started this book in middle school, and am currently in my last year of high school. I've been through so many wonderous and also horrid experiences since then. This is me letting things out. Plus, I thought it would be nice to revisit my old drabbles as I like to call them. :-)

Life is a tricky thing

One moment you're happy, standing with your arms spread high happily in the air, on the tallest of mountains,

Then very next second you may be in the deepest sorrowful depths of inner turmoil

However, in both the good and bad, there are wonders from life to be discovered and utilized

I remember a little girl who didn't quite match the rest of the batch of tikes

I remember sneaking out for temporary freedom in a household where I was trapped, caged and muzzled,

I remember the goods nights of escape roaring yet gentle bonfires, songs and dancing

I remember the tear stained cheeks in the morning after a tornado of rage and hatred ripped through my house

I remember wondering why daddy chose to raise someone that was never his, and left me wondering on the front porch of my prison if I would see him again next year

I remember him and how his touch made me feel tainted, liked I was drowning in filth

However, there are more memories

I remember teaching my grandmother the sent of roses, and the song of birds in the crisp morning air on the way to the nursery and pre-school

I remember how my struggling mother did her best to heal and chase off the demons that tortured her inner conscience

I remember fondly of all those I watched walk away in a bitter but very sweet reminiscence

I remember scabbed ankles, and dirty hands of making mud pies, is the dirt and grim and being one of the boys

I remember the wonderful time I first fell for a girl, and was proud to be the girl I was

I remember indulging on the silly teenage things

Life can be very tricky, but very easy to understand

Quite the paradox don't you think?

But what a cruelly beautiful on it is

Hello, My name is Taylor. I hope you like this one. Like the others I poured my heart and soul into it (in the heat of the moment of course lol). I deeply apologize for the 3 year long hiatus, but I'm back now. I hope you enjoy my work, and don't forget to comment or send a message on my inbox. Stay safe in this crazy world we live in, and hope all is well <3

Until next entry...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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