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'And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who do not believe in magic will never find it.'


Veronica Anderson (Rony) is a sassy, sarcastic highschool pass out with a boatload of loony friends, one caring older brother and another brother who cannot tolerate her presence.

Most of her childhood life is a blur, until she meets a hot Britt with a sexy accent who subconsciously keeps luring her in but asks her to stay away from him whenever they get too close.

Why does he look so familiar? And why does she keep remembering strange things from her past since the day she met him? Or more specifically every time they touch.? Is he as dangerous as he claims himself to be?!

As unknown forces keep pushing them together, entwining their paths and making them tumble into awkward situations, Rony finds unexpected people keeping secrets from her.

As she begins to doubt her sanity- because of one particularly hot and confusing British dude who keeps sending her mixed signals- and the loyalty of the people closest to her, Rony struggles to hang on to reality by a thread, which is quickly beginning to snap.

What if it finally does snap?! Will she be ready to accept the truth thrown at her?! Will she be ready to accept who she really is?! Who does she trust?! And where do her loyalties lie?!

With a war brewing just beneath the surface that could possibly disrupt reality as we know it, Rony is thrown into this mix to stop the mess.

But what happens when the queen of messiness has to put a stop to this mess?!.

Things just get a whole lot more messier!!

Follow Rony as she dives into the depths of hell to seek answers which might just rock her world right off its axis!

Quite literally!!


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