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"Aira, it's not that big of a deal!" Kira exclaimed to her cousin as they both entered Kira's house, Aira still tipsy from the amount of alcohol she consumed. "It's not your fault," Kira attempted to comfort her.

"Kira." Aira stopped sharply on the stairs and turned sharply, almost bumping into Kira who had been following closely behind her. "It is a big deal. You guys got into a fight that could have ended a lot worse than it did and I was too drunk to help. I could have been the reason you died tonight." Aira hissed out in a lower voice, not wanting her aunt or uncle to hear her.

"But I didn't! I can handle myself, A." Kira spoke, holding onto Aira's wrist. "You let loose - it's fine. You've had a difficult time these past few months - I want you to relax a little." Kira spoke, shaking Aira's wrist slightly.

"I should have helped. I should have been focused." Aira snarled more to herself than Kira before yanking her hand back harshly. "I should have known better - I should have been able to help you guys." Aira spoke, shaking her head slightly.

"Aira. Pleas-" Kira started.

"Kira, just.. just let me wallow in self pity for a bit, please?" Aira spoke and Kira sighed out, not wanting Aira to be upset over something as silly as this. "Please, Kir?" Aira tried again.

"Fine. But just tonight - you better be all smiles and rainbows by tomorrow." Kira pointed her finger accusingly at Aira who laughed lightly.

"I will." Aira nodded before turning around and heading back upstairs, leaving Kira on the stairs. Kira sighed out heavily before running her hand through her hair in frustration. 

Kira knew about her cousin's home life, although she loved her aunt and uncle they were real shitty parents - well it could be worse. They let Aira buy whatever she wanted (to a certain extent) and completely ignore her - they even decided to go on a business trip on their daughter's birthday last year. Real shitty.

"Kira, honey.. you alright?" Ken spoke as he turned the corner with a glass of water in his hands. He had been asleep but needed a drink so got up to get some water when he had heard the end of the girls' argument.

"Yeah, dad. I'm fine." Kira nodded.

"And Aira?" Ken asked softly, knowing that Aira was fantastic at hiding her true feelings from everyone aside from Kira apparently. "Is she alright?" Ken asked, raising his eyebrows sightly as Kira shifted on the spot.

"She's... Aira." Kira nodded, scratching her chin as she didn't want to give away what had happened - sure her dad knew about the supernatural he just didn't need to know.. everything. "She'll be fine." Kira nodded again, trying to convince herself as well as her father.

"Alright then, you'll look after her if something does happen though, right Kira?" Ken asked carefully. He didn't want to assume anything but Kira's actions gave away that she was hiding something from him.

"Yeah, yeah of course I will." Kira nodded sharply.

"Good. Now, come on, bed. It's almost half past one." Ken scowled at the late time his daughter and niece had returned but knew there was some sort of problem going on and didn't want to pressure them into telling him.

"Okay, dad. Love you." Kira smiled softly before turning forward and walking up the steps again.

"I love you too." Ken smiled softly before turning off the downstairs light and walking up the stairs to his own room where his wife lay awake, having listened in to both of the conversations her daughter had just had.


"Aira!" Kira hissed and sighed out in relief as her cousin finally sat up groaning as she rubbed the heel of her hand over her eye. "Thank God, wow you're a heavy sleeper." Kira muttered as she stood straight again after leaning over Aira's sleeping body.

"Wha-?" Aira muttered, still sleep-ridden as her blurry eyes looked across the room before focusing on Kira. "Oh my- what do you want?" Aira groaned, already missing her beauty sleep. "Scott? What the hell are you doing here?" She questioned as her eyes landed on Scott who stood by the door.

"Keeping watch." He answered quickly.

"What? Keeping watch for who and why?" Aira questioned, still desperately wanting to go back to sleep but just managing to keep her eyes open to watch Scott as he turned back to watch her for a second before focusing his attention back outside the door.

"For my mom and dad." Kira answered for him. "I'll explain on the way but c'mon we gotta go." Kira interrupted Aira before she could question her again. "To Deatons." Kira spoke again before Aira even opened her mouth.

"Why in the hell do I have to go? I'm tryna' sleep here." Aira slurred slightly as she spoke.

"You said you felt bad for not being able to help earlier - now's your chance to help." Kira spoke confidently, knowing that she had struck a nerve with her words in the way Aira shifted slightly. She sighed out shortly before slipping out of bed.

"Okay then - let's go." She nodded, not particularly caring that all she wore was a pair of white socks, black sleeping shorts and a light-fabric white t-shirt. She yanked on a pair of converse before standing straight. "Chop, chop. Time's a' wastin'." Aira smiled.

Her smile quickly faded as she watched Scott move to the window and drop out casually like it was no big deal. "Wha- Kira!" Aira had no chance to grab Kira before her cousin had followed her boyfriend out of the window.

Aira rushed over to the window and peered out, her eyes landing on Kira and Scott who were both fine - Kira currently climbing out of Scott's arms. "C'mon! I'll catch you." Scott jokingly winked at Aira who rolled her eyes.

"As if." Aira smirked before climbing onto the window sill and lunging forward towards a tree, easily grabbing it and pushing off of it, hitting onto the ground gracefully. "Ta da." She playfully winked back at Scott who laughed along with Kira.


"Stiles, someone is taking the bodies." Scott spoke into the phone as he, Kira and Aira all stood in Deaton's office where an alarm had been tripped earlier in the night leading the three to come and investigate. Scott paused for a second, supposedly waiting for Stiles' reply. "Stiles, you there?" Scott asked after not getting a reply.

Scott paused for another few seconds as Stiles actually spoke this time. "I'm at the animal clinic with Kira and Aira... Tracy's body is gone. The lock on the door was broken from the outside and my mom told me that Lucas' body is missing from the morgue. They're searching the whole hospital for it. Someone is stealing the bodies." Scott confirmed.

Kira and Aira stood by the operating tray, Kira's arms crossed over her stomach whilst Aria's palms lay flat on the tray as she leaned over slightly, trying to think of explanations to where Tracy's body could have gone. They watched Scott pace around the room, phone pressed to his ear.   

Scott seemed to be listening to Stiles talk for a few minutes as he occasionally hummed or replied with a short yes or no. Kira turned to Aira with a worried look on her face. "A? Something's been bugging me all night..." Kira muttered.

"What?" Aira asked, her eyes still focused on the blurry reflection of herself on the tray below her.

"When.. when we fought Lucas at Sinema.. I.." Kira paused and Aira stood up straight, turning to face Kira as she recognised the serious tone in Kira's voice. "I couldn't.. stop trying to... hurt him, not even when he was almost dead." Kira whispered, not wanting Scott to hear.

"Kira.." Aira started with a long breath.

"I almost killed him, Aira. It's like when I just cut off Tracy's tail with no remorse.. why is this happening? I can't control myself when I fight." Kira spoke worriedly, hoping her cousin would know as she was also a Kitsune.

"Thunder and Wind Kitsunes develop differently, along with the fact I've known i'm a Kitsune since I was very young, you've only recently found out. This is normal, Kira. You've just suddenly had all this power thrown at you and you don't know how to handle it - you'll catch on soon." Aira nodded, patting Kira's arm in reassurance.

"You think?" Kira asked softly as Scott spoke a goodbye into his phone before hanging up and turning to face the cousins.

"I know." Aira nodded with a smile before they both turned to look at Scott who looked utterly lost with the whole situation. "Don't worry about it, pup."

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