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His dark eyes were piercing, and not in the good way. His gaze was intense and I found myself looking at my surroundings instead of him.

"I'm glad you decided to come, Eleanor." I could not stop the shiver that ran down my spine when I heard his voice. I still had no idea how he knew my name. "I have a little preposition, you see."

I only managed to give a nod, as I dared to spare a glance towards him. "What do you mean?" I tried to sound calm but the waver in my voice was unmistakable.

"I'm giving you six months to kill the target, or you'll be the one dead instead."

This was not happening. My thoughts were a mess as I tried to process what he just told me.  As if it wasn't already hard enough knowing that I saw someone getting murdered, I was just told told that I need to murder someone.

"Six months is not a lot of time, my dear Eleanor." He spoke up again and I lifted my head to look at him. "The clock is ticking."

Hello everyone! We're glad you decided to read this book and we hope that you'll enjoy the content to come :) 

This is a spin-off to our other story, Deception, but you won't need to read that to understand the plot since this is a stand alone story. We have been planning this book for quite some time now and we tried to prevent any plot holes (if you read Deception you would know that we have a lot of those) so we hope you'll enjoy this book!

This story is completely our own idea and is purely fictional, if characters stated in this book are similar to anyone you know in any way it is purely coincidental. We worked really hard on this storyline so please don't steal this! 

Love, Leah and Lacy. 

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