After The Goodbye

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We stand there watching the pieces of glass fall to the ground, Link falls to his knees, he picks up a small shard of the mirror "She's gone, and she's never coming back" he sobs.

I place my hand on his shoulder, "It will be okay Link"

"No it won't! She's gone! She is my best friend, now she's gone!"

He covers his face with his hands. "It's just not fair"

I feel bad for him, in my many lives I have lost a lot of people and I know how it feels.

"What are you going to do now?" Link asks looking over at me.

I sigh, "Since the castle is destroyed I am planning to go to the hidden village and stay there, I'm not sure how long I will stay there, hopefully I will find another place somewhere else to live in a few years.

He nods "Well if you wanted you could stay with me." 

I am surprised by his offer, I would never expect him to ask me to stay with him.

"Sorry if that comes off as weird, I just don't want you to be alone, who knows what kind of monsters are still left."

I nod, maybe it's not such a bad idea.

"I guess we could try it out, it doesn't seem like to bad of an idea"

He smiles "Well let's go then, it's starting to get dark"

I follow him though the Gerudo Desert to Lake Hyila where his horse Epona was waiting. He pulls himself up and put his hand out for me. I grab onto his hand and he pulls me up with one strong pull.

We ride through Hyrule field and to Ordon village by the time the moon is high in the night sky.

We walk into his house, it's very dark, the only light was the dim fire across the room.

He lights a few candles around his house so we can see, "You can sleep in my bed if you want" he offers.

"But where will you sleep?"

"On the floor"

"Oh, I don't want to make you sleep on the floor"

"It's fine" he laughs "Your my guest and I want you to be comfortable"

"Okay" I sigh

I climb up the ladder to his bed, it is much smaller then the bed I use to have, but that doesn't matter. I pull back the thick blanket and sit down on the bed, I pull off my shoes, then the armour covering my shoulders. I roll my shoulders back and forth trying to releve some of the pain. I then take off the belt holding up the symbole of the triforce, next are my gloves, leaveing me left with just my dress. I had neverr realized how much stuff I had on until I took it all off. I look down to see Link staring at me, he quickly turns away and walks towards the small fire.

 I feel my heart skip a beat from the thought of Link staring at me while I undress, I quickly erase the image frrom my mind pretending it never happened.

I take off my crown and place it on the table next to me with the rest of my stuff.

I look over to see Link placing his sword and sheild agaist the wall, he takes off his hat and places it on a table. He pulls off his shirt showing off his abs and musles, I try to look away but i am drawn to him. He turns around so he's not facing me anymore, I see a large cut on his shoulder, I queitly climb down the ladder and take a closer look at his cut. I place my hand on it and he jumps and turns around  "Zelda! I thought you went to bed" he nearly yellls, "well I was then I noticed your cut, you should really get that bandeged up." He nods and walks over to a chair and sits, "could you help me?" I gulp and nod "where are the bandges?" "In the drawer over there" he points to a small drawer beside a book shelf.

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