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I race as fast as I can through the town. People keep getting in my way, I push my way past all of them to the castle.

I push the large doors open, I run down the long hallway to see her standing there. Her back is facing me. "Zelda?"  I whisper, but she does not move. "Zelda?"  I say louder this time, but she still doesn't move. 

I grip her shoulder lightly and turn her to face me. When I look at her she is different; she is not my Zelda.

Her eyes are red and her hair is a light grey. Her normal pink dress is now black. The only thing that is still normal is her skin; her soft, beautiful skin. 

She almost looks like. No. She can't be.

I step back only to bump into something.  I turn around to see my dark side standing there. "Something wrong?" he smiles.

I draw my sword and put it against his chest. "What did you do to my Zelda!?" I scream.

He just laughs. "Your Zelda? I don't think so." He walks past me and bows "My queen" She puts her hand out and he grabs it and kisses it.

It takes all my strength to not kill him now.

He stands beside her and wraps his arm around her waist. I tighten my grip around my sword. "Did you really think she could resist me?" He smirks.

He pulls her to his chest and kisses her; hard. I stand frozen as she kisses him back. Why would she go with him and not me? What did he have that I didn't?

Without thinking I grab her and pull her off of him. She fights me but I am stronger. "Let go of me!" She screams, but I don't let go. I hug her tighter.

She manages to break free of my grip and runs into my dark sides arms. I can feel a sharp pain in my chest when she hugs him tight.

"Face it. She's forgotten about you, she loves me now. Not you. You had your chance, many chances actually, and you never took those chances thinking she'd always come back. Now you've run out of chances, she's mine."

I gasp for air as it seems to be gone from my lungs. I attempt to stand when I feel a sharp pain in my leg.

I look down and see my leg bandged up leg. I forgot about that.

I sit up in the hard wooden chair trying to get comfortable, but it doesn't work.

A ray of sun peaks through the small window, reminding me that it is morning. I stand up ignoring the pain. I walk over to the bucket of water and slash water on my face like I do every morning.

I feel bad for kicking Zelda out last night, but it was for her own safety. I couldn't have her getting hurt.

I hear someone knock on my door, "Mr. Link!" I hear someone call; the mailman.

I walk over to the door and open it to reveal the mail man. His hopping on his toes with his same old white shorts and shirt.

"Ah mr. Link, a letter from someone unknown."

He hands me the letter and runs off. I look it over, no name from who its from, just my name.

I open up the black envelope and pull out the letter. It only says two words; "she's mine".


 I lay on something hard and cold. My body aches, I can't remember anything from last night except Link telling me to leave. Did he mean forever?

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