Chapter 1: In the water

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Gigi's POV:
    My life was and never will be perfect. When I was younger I left my pod and never found my family or friends again. Every night I always wonder when and will I ever see them again. I've always been shy but outgoing with friends and family. My mother who found me's name is Quinn and she is the head of the pod. My dad is Henry and my siblings are Tristan who is my 19 year old brother and Paige who is my 22 year old sister. They are the closest thing I have to family considering they found me when I was 5 and now I'm now 18. I really only have one close friend in this pod and her name is Hayley. She was also adopted into a family when she was younger but that's because her parents in this pod died trying to save her. We met each other when we were about 9 and have been friends ever since. I always admired land creatures,although all mermaids think there horrible. Everyone I know is deathly afraid of them considering that Hayley's parents were killed by Land creatures. I've never seen one of them up close. There is this little rock by land that nobody in the pod knows about but me. I go there every night, because I know my mother would kill me if she saw me there. But there is this big thing on the land, by the water that land creatures go in and out of every day and night. I've always wondered what they were called but I guess I'll never know because I can never go on land. It's my dream to go but sometime I just want to stay me and sometimes I want to be one of those Land creatures and leave everything in the ocean behind. But I would miss everyone, but maybe I wouldn't considering there not my real family....
Ed's POV:
My name is Ed and my life is not really all that OMG because I'm alone almost all the time and my parents are mostly focused on my 3 month old little brother when they are home. My room is even I little hut outside of the house closer but the beach, although that was my choice to have my room out there. That way Ian (my little brother) can't wake me up in the middle of the night. Every night I like to look out my window and look at the ocean. I always wonder if there is life beyond the land. I'm also 18 and on my senior year of high school. I surf almost everyday after school because the weather is always nice in California and I play football for my high school. GO PANTHERS!! And I also have a girlfriend named Kayla and she is kind of a brat. I'm only dating her because my friends would get really mad if I didn't. It's school tradition that the most popular boy and the most popular girl date. Although  I don't think I'm the most popular. This kid Liam is. Everyone loves him. If anything Kayla and Liam should be dating, and I really wouldn't feel bad if she cheated on me with him because I can't stand her. I really only hang out with 3 people outside of school and that is my friends, Connor, Drake and Maggie. Maggie really just hangs out with us because she's dating Connor but she is cool.
Friday:Gigi's POV
Today is gonna be great because the pod and I are gonna go closer to land to see what it's really like. But we're going at like 10 o'clock at night so no one is really gonna see us. I want to go on land so badly but I'm scared because it doesn't look the safest, like yesterday I saw and little land creature face plant in the sand. He was like 3 and he was spitting out sand. I wanted to help but I couldn't. And there was this other land creature that rushed over to help. He dropped this thing in his hand and rushed over to the little creature. Tristan saw too, and he was laughing so hard. He had to go under water because. Thought if he laughed any harder he people would hear him. I knew he would laugh so we went back to our pod so nobody would go looking for us.
"You could have gotten us caught you know that?" I was screaming no at him because mother who kill us if we got caught.
"So? It was so funny seeing that little land creature face eat sand. You should have seen the other ones face,oh she looked so worried." He couldn't stop laughing.
"Yea I was right next to you and I-" I was intercepted by my mother yelling at us.
"Where have you two been?" She sounded so strict and Tristan stopped laughing and we stood up straight.
"Sorry mother we got........lost." I didn't have a very believing voice. I'm also known as the worst liar in the ocean.
"I don't want to hear it. Next time you guys are late I'll make you clean he ocean floor. So don't be late,understand?" She gets really angry when her own kids make her look embarrassed  because she can't get her own kids to the pod meeting on time.
"Your mother is right. We'll talk about this at home." My father said to us. Tristan started laughing once my parents turned around. I hit him in the gut.
"Be quite you guys. You're only gonna make them even more mad by laughing." Paige said to us. She really was there favorite child. She was the definition of perfect.
Ed's POV
So when I was heading to my room after school I saw this 3 year old kid face plant and man was it funny. But I rushed over to go help the little kid because he was spitting out sand. I felt bad for him but I've done it before and it stinks. It's a real pain in the butt. but yet again I went in my room after and had to do the oh so lovely homework. yay. Kill me now. I had 3 essays to write and they were due in Monday. And my parents don't really care what I do but the second I get home from school-if there home- they are on top of me making me do my homework in one day. If I had 3 essays to write I had to get them done tonight. So that means no surfing for me and that really sucks because I love to surf. Also I'm not allowed to have friends over which sucks. But my parents want me to go somewhere in my life, like Yale or something and honestly I don't really want to go to college. They just don't want me to be a screw up like my dad. My dad right now is really smart and really has in life in check but he didn't always. he used to be so out of place that he did drugs and almost killed himself. But my mom found him in Time and they fell in love. My mom got him on the right road and he is fine now.  But they are scared I will end up like that so I try my hardest to be a good athlete and try to get good grades so I can at least make a living for myself.
End of chapter one. Hi I'm Jessica and I'm new to watt pad. This is my first story so it probably won't be very good but I'll try my best to make a good length in chapters and good content. Although there might be some spelling mistakes. Oops. I'll try to upload as often as I can:)

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