Chapter 2: Land Creatures

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Sunday: Gigi's POV
Me and the pod actually went close to the land. It was so exciting. My mom said tonight me and Tristan are gonna get a crucial talking to. Yay how much fun. My mother hates it when we're late and when we lie to her so me and Tristan got a double whammy. All I see is land creatures smile and never be sad but us mermaids have emotions that are all over the place. Land creatures have it easy. I just want a normal life where there are know worries in the world and I can always smile. I want to get married and have the best gosh darn merman husband ever. Land creatures probably all have love at first sight while us mermaids have to work for love. we're so much different Than land creatures. I wish I was one. There is this male land creature that is always by the beach. He goes in this cube shaped contraption every night and I always see the lights on. I wonder what goes on in there. The same land creature is also always in the ocean on this board thing and sometimes I want to go up to him and say hi. He goes way farther out in the water than any other land creature. I wonder why. But today when I woke up nobody else was up so I went to my rock and sat on it. Nobody was up, not even the land creatures. It was weird but then I thought why not try to go closer to land . I mean what was the worst that could happen. I would swim away if I saw anybody.And for some reason the waves were really strong and big so I started off far away from land but then slowly got closer. I was starting to get scared, so I tried to swim away but a big wave sent me flying towards the land. There was no slowing down. And the closer I got to the land the lower the ground got. there was a sharp rock that I cut my tail on. There was a huge gash, and I screamed in pain. I thought I wasn't gonna make it out alive but then all the pain I once had was gone. And I felt different. But just then and there I hit my head on a rock and passed out.
Ed's POV
I woke up early but not too early. It was about 7:30 a.m and I wanted to go to the ocean and skip rocks or something. When I was frustrated with whatever I go to the ocean and would just sit and think. There was this semi-big rock that I sit on. I walked out of my room and went to the ocean. There was this thing, and it looked like it washed up on shore. I went to it and it was a- it was a.....girl. I tried to wake her up although I felt weird because she didn't really have anything on. I got a towel out of my room and covered her up. I kept trying to wake her up but nothing happened. I took her into my room and put her on my bed. I was getting worried so I kept thinking wether I should call the police or not. I also locked my door so if my parents woke up and they came to check on me they wouldn't think anything too odd of this situation. They were leaving at 3 to go out of town for a month with my little brother Ian so I'm usually home alone.
9 o'clock
"Umm hello women are you ok?" I was shaking her when I saw something on her leg. It looked like scales but I just thought It was a burn for the ocean floor or something. So I sat back down in my chair.
"H-h-hello? Mother? Father?" She was awfully pretty and confused. I sat up from my chair.
"Your awake." I smiled because I didn't bring a dead person in my bed. What a relief.
"Who-who are you? Where am I? What are you?" All the questions she was asking were really weird. Maybe she lost her memory because she had a huge bump on her head.
"Are you ok?" I was standing right next to her.
"What are you?" Her eyes got really big when she looked at me.
"I'm a person. What are you?" I don't know why I asked her but she was asking me.
"I'm a-a-a person too." She smiled. She was a bad liar.
"Ok well I found you but the shore. We're you in the ocean?" I asked her trying to get as much detail as I could. I had to find what she was doing out there and how she didn't drown. But right as I asked that question she ran out of the bed and slammed in to the door.
"What is that thing?" She was sitting on the floor rubbing her head.
"This thing is a door. You okay?" I was really confused, but I didn't know what was going on.
"Yea. Open it." She said nodding her head at the door.
"There you go. But you might want to put some clothes on. My parents might see you and think I've done something." I looked at her and she was so confused.
"Clothes? What are clothes?" I was so lost. Almost as lost as her.
"Something to cover up everything."
"Oh ok well where are these clothes?" She looked up at me then go up.
"Well since we only have one girl in this house and you look like the same size as my mom I'll go get you some." And ni left her. But l locked the door with the key when I left it.
Gigi's POV
I have no clue where I am and I met a...what did he call it.........PERSON. I met a person. I didn't feel under water and I looked down and I had the same thing land creatures do. I must be a Land creature....wait no ........and Person. It felt amazing although is was hard to work these two thing where my tail has been. This person was going to me some clothes. Not quit sure what those are. In the water we worn shell cups and that's it. I was so lost and my head was killing me. Usually mother would give me a concoction that helped mermaids with headaches but I didn't know how to make it.When the Land creature- I mean person left I tried to use these things and move around this cube thing.
"Here you go women." the land person said while he tossed the clothes to me without coming in the room. She stood outside the door.
"You can come in you know." I yelled at him.
"I don't even know your name so I would rather not. No offense." he said back.
"Well umm I kind of need your help." I said. There was this thing that went up and the back of my clothes. And these things that had a label of underwear. I had a feeling I found out where they went but the other thing I had to clue.
"Umm I'm coming in and everything better be covered. Ok?" I didn't know what he meant so I said Ok back. He walked in and I thin everything was covered.
"Oh you just need help with the zipper. That ok." I just nodded my head. I didn't know what a zipper was. I guess it was the thing he was pulling up on my back.
"Thank you..." I wanted to find out his name.
"Ed" He said sticking his hand out.
"Gigi" I said nodding my head.
"Well aren't you gone shake my hand?" I looked down at his hand and held his. We shook hands. I guess there's a first time for everything. When I stopped shaking his hand I ran out of this cube and went to the ocean. I didn't walk in it but I went to where the water was up to my knee and started yelling for the pod and my family.
"What are you doing your gonna cause a scene?" And he picked me up from the waist and brought me back in the cube.
"What are you doing with me. I'm bringing you to my room where you are gonna stay and tell me why you're here." And her put me on the bed and stood in front of the locked door.
"I told you my name. What more do you want?" I was making hand gestures.
"Why are you here and what are you?" He had one eyebrow up.
"Well I'll tell you.....Ed....if you tell me what these things are." I pointed to the things where my tail used to be.
"Oh my god. Those are legs. Now talk." He looked at me.
"You want the truth or the lie?" I just understood how stupid that question was when I said it.
"truth." He said with no hesitation.
"Promise you can keep a secret?"I told him.
"yes." he looked like he was getting mad.
"Ok where do I begin?"
Hey guys so this chapter was long but this was a big step in the story. Gigi meet Ed! So far Ed might sound like a jerk but he will get nicer. He's just getting upset with the questions Gigi was asking. Anyway I'll try to make as many chapters as possible. Again sorry for any mistakes in the writing. And about Gigi saying people have it easy, that was just part of the story. Bye!

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