"Goodbye, You Little Shit." -Ryden.

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Brendon and Ryan liked to be around each other, whether it be just napping together, or going to the movies. They enjoyed cuddling, holding hands, kissing, just touching and knowing the other was there. The only thing Ryan did not enjoy doing with Brendon, was going to the supermarket. Brendon was easily distracted, and often wandered off, causing Ryan to spend an extra thirty minutes looking for him.

The two were currently cuddling in Ryan's bed, on a break between their first headlining tour, and the Nothing Rhymes With Circus Tour. Ryan had put on a random movie, Brendon's face was buried in Ryan's neck anyways so it wasn't like he was even watching the movie. Ryan gently ran his fingers up and down Brendon's bare spine, before pulling the blanket higher up on their barely-clothed legs.

"Ryan?" Brendon spoke, his lips on Ryan's neck, causing him to shiver gently.

"You're hungry aren't you?" Ryan laughed, and Brendon nodded, laughing as well. Ryan sat up, pushing the blanket off his slender legs. "Chips or popcorn?" He questioned. Brendon thought for a moment, before choosing the second option. Ryan nodded, walking from the bedroom to his small kitchen and searching the cabinets. After a good ten minutes of looking, Ryan came to realize that he had no popcorn or chips. He had hardly anything actually. Save for a stray bottle of beer or pack of poptarts, there was nothing. Knowing he would be at home for another few weeks and needed food, he marched back to the bedroom.

"Put pants on B, we're going to the store." Ryan said, grabbing his own skinny jeans from the carpet on his side of the bed. Brendon groaned, rolling onto his front.

"Nooooo, I don' wanna." He whined into the blanket, causing Ryan to laugh.

"Come on baby, I'll get you whatever you want." Ryan coaxed, and Brendon turned his head slightly, peeking up at Ryan.

"Really?" He asked suspiciously.

"Really." Ryan answered, coming around the bed to his closet and grabbing a plain white shirt from it. He pulled the shirt on, before tossing Brendon his own "Class of 2005" shirt from the floor. Both of the boys pulled their shoes on, and Ryan grabbed his keys. Once they were both ready Ryan grabbed his wallet from the side table and they marched themselves out of the apartment to Ryan's car.

"Promise to not wander off?" Ryan asked once the car was moving. Brendon nodded distractedly, playing on his phone. Ryan took it as a yes and paid attention to the road.


It had been five fucking minutes.

Five minutes and Brendon was already gone. Ryan groaned internally, pushing the cart to where he figured Brendon would be (the candy aisle) tossing things in his cart as he went. He found Brendon in front of the candy, his arms full of various things.

"What did I ask before we got here?" Ryan asked, laughing, allowing Brendon to put his candy in the cart.

"I dunno, but you said I could get whatever I wanted." Brendon said, falling into step with Ryan. Ryan smiled, shaking his head.

"Don't wander off, sunshine." He said, leaning down to kiss Brendon's cheek. Brendon smiled, slipping his hand into Ryan's. They continued around the store, grabbing things they needed.

Ten minutes later, Brendon was gone again. Ryan only had his back turned for ten seconds. Ten seconds and Brendon's skinny ass was gone again. Ryan had turned to look for vegetables for dinner that night's vegetarian stir fry, and Brendon was gone. Ryan groaned out loud this time, trying to think of where Brendon could be that they hadn't been yet.

Ice cream probably. Ryan pushed his cart across the store, and rolled his eyes as he found Brendon looking into a freezer.

"B." Ryan called out, and Brendon looked around the door, smiling.

"Ice cream!" He laughed, his eyes going squinty, causing some of Ryan's annoyance to melt away.

"Next time you do that, I'm leaving you here." Ryan said, Brendon placing the containers of ice cream into the cart. Brendon rolled his eyes, smirking.

"Yeah, okay." Brendon laughed, and Ryan led him towards the bread.


It had to be a new record.

Two. Fucking. Minutes.

Brendon had disappeared again, and Ryan decided to mess with him. He pushed his cart up to the front of the store, into a checkout line. Brendon wasn't there, and a smirk filled Ryan's face, a plan forming. He checked out, paying for his groceries and pushing the cart full of bags to the desk labelled 'Customer Service'

Ryan leant on the desk, catching the attention of the older woman working it.

"How can I help you today?" She asked, a smile on her face.

"Yeah, um, I lost my boyfriend, can I use your intercom?" Ryan asked, and she nodded. She handed him the receiver, and Ryan grinned.

"Goodbye, you little shit." Ryan said into the receiver, before handing it back to the stunned woman. He pushed his cart out of the automatic door, and towards his car.

It only took Brendon a minute to get out there. 

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