Chapter 39

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Tears Stream Down my face

Chapter 39

One Year Later

I stared in awe at the TV before me. I felt like I could leap with joy, and I probably would have if I hadn’t been in Nando’s with Niall.  The title under the news castor read “Mr. X finally found”, of course it wasn’t actually Mr. X, he had been killed a year ago, it was his whole group of men. According to the story, these men admitted to kidnapping me and turned themselves in. they confessed about everything… even the Furenti. I had never spoken to the police about it; I didn’t want to be in fear that they would find me and kill me.

I stood, mouth wide open as I watched the TV in the corner, letting my happiness spread through me like a wild fire. I’m free. For the entire year I feared walking in public or even going outside without anyone next to me. I took self-defense classes just so I could feel partially safe by myself. That whole year had been eating me away slowly, going insane from the fear. I didn’t really fear for myself as much as I probably should have… I wouldn’t let anyone leave without some sort of protection with him, whether its pepper spray, taser, or bodyguard. My sister and her little ones barely left my sight, Megan didn’t leave my sight either. Oh my gosh, Megan. She had her baby in February, on Valentine’s Day, actually. A bouncing baby boy. That poor boy. His name is . Kayla’s babies turned one. Harry proposed to Bailee. One Direction came out with two new albums called Take Me Home and Midnight Memories. Louis discovered a new Australian band called 5 Seconds of Summer. All of those boys are so nice, they’ve stayed with us for a bit, and are invited to spend New Years with us. This New Years will mark Niall’s and I’s first wedding anniversary.

So much has happened over the past year and when I look back my mind just seems to be blown. So much has happened to my family and friends in the past… what, 3 years? 4? Too much tragedy for one lifetime. I’m just glad it’s finally over, I won’t even question why they handed themselves in. Who cares.

I looked over to Niall, he’s totally oblivious to anything, ordering whatever it is he’s ordering.

“Niall!” I exclaim.

He looks over at me, “Yeah, babe?”  I just pointed at the TV where the newscasters are still discussing my kidnappers. Niall’s eyes widened as he read the subtitles.

“They’re gone.” I smiled. Niall beamed as he watched the rest of the story. Once the story ended about 2 minutes later Niall turned back to the waitress. For a split second I thought he was going to continue ordering and not celebrate with me and I thought someone was going to need a nice slap up the head but once he turned to the waitress he said “Cancel that, we’re leaving, sorry! Bye!” And with that he held my hand and rushed out of the door, towing me behind him.

I admit I was glad he dragged us out of there, if he hadn’t I would’ve started bouncing around the restaurant, off the walls, ceilings, everything because I’m so elated!

Once we were in the parking lot Niall spun me into his arms, holding me, looking into my eyes. He seemed so overjoyed, I could sense it rolling off of him, emitting from his entire being. “We’re free!” He said in his beautiful Irish accent.

“I know!” I jump in his arms, beaming

“Can we go home and celebrate?” He asked tightening his grip ever so slightly.

“How do you mean celebrate?” I asked, grinning and rolling my eyes.

“Urm, with… stuff?” He questioned. I laughed at his wording. I knew exactly how he wanted to ‘celebrate’ and that only got me thinking. We’re free now, we can do what we please. We can start a family. I’ve always wanted kids, I’ve loved them.

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