Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

“You ready, dad?” I ask him as we crouch behind one of the many bushes.

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this.” He mutters.

“This is your chance.” I whispered referring to him killing. “You don’t have to wait.”  I checked my watch quickly.  9:45. 15 minutes until… I don’t want to think about it. We were at the park, the one I ran too when I found out the boys were going to Australia. There was a small hill but it was steep. There was the riverbank, about 300 yards of grass, the small park nestled up against the hill. There are stone stairs going up the hill. It was beautiful. I loved this park. I peeked through the bushes out to the park watching intently. I was very aware of the gun strapped to my hip. I pulled on the long jacket I had and looked at my watch again. 9:47. Are you kidding me. Only two minutes. I breathed out and tried to keep the fear down.

The plan was that I was to meet whoever this “Mr. X” character was and dad was going to shoot him down from the safety of the bushes if there were more than one after dad shot him, I was to pull out my gun and just threaten the others while my dad comes out. He’ll point out the ones who killed mom and kill them. They deserved dying. I thought I would never, ever, EVER, say that about a person but in this case… My mother was a wonderful woman who deserved a longer life than what was given. She was the most beautiful woman, the nicest (though she did have her mean moments) and funniest person. She had this kind of dry humor that with whatever she said just made you spit out your food from laughing so hard. She was so terribly clever, that’s what the problem was. She could just come up with the funniest goddam things and what made it funnier was her Canadian accent that was so different from everybody else’s accent around her. Just thinking of her made me sad and angry.

“Siobhan, are you sure you want to do this?” my dad whispered.

I nodded. “Positive.”

“Do you think Mr. X is going to be there?” He nodded. “More than five?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know.” He replied. I checked my watch again just out of impatience. 9:48. I nearly groaned in frustration but also sighed in relief. It wasn’t time yet. I couldn’t help feel frustrated and relieved that I didn’t have to go out yet. I felt like time was going as fast as lighting yet as slow as a turtle. It was confusing and really annoying. I was about to sigh when I felt someone grab me. I tried to scream but a cloth covered my mouth. I could feel myself weaken and start to lose consciousness. I looked over to my dad and saw the same thing happening to him. I fell into a deep unconsciousness with the image of my dad burning into my mind.

Siobhan’s P.O.V

I woke up with the feeling of someone’s arms around me. I immediately thought of Niall and smiled.

“You see, she likes being in my arms.” An unfamiliar voice said. I heard struggling from nearby and frowned. I opened my eyes.

I was in a bare looking room, almost like a garage, just without the garage door. The walls and floor were gray as well as the ceiling. There were a few windows but they were small and towards the top of the wall. I realized I was in a basement. I looked down and saw the arms around me.

“Look, sleeping beauty’s awake.” I frowned again and looked around. I seemed to be in a bed pushed against the wall but still had my clothes, thankfully. There were about five men scattered around the room, all of them unfamiliar. Then I looked in the corner of the wall the bed was pushed against saw the unconscious figure of my father. He was battered, bruised, and bloody. I felt my face contort with worry.

“Dad!” I cried out. He stirred. I started struggling with whoever was holding me. He just tightened his grip on me. “Who, the fuck, are you? Get your damn hands off me!” I shouted. I somehow got myself free and stood up from the bed. All of the men looked big and burley, not to mention dumb.

Tears Stream Down My Face(One Direction Fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang