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Ryland's POV
-next morning-
I woke up on the couch with a blanket covered over me
I got up and walked up stairs Shane was asleep on the end of our bed fully clothed in what he wore yesterday with his phone in hand
I couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was but I looked at my phone and saw it was noon
I remembered Shane had a meeting at 12:45 about his speech at the streamy's so I had to wake him up
"Baby wake up"I said purging my hand on his shoulder
He woke up in panic and shock
"What what is it"he said sitting up quickly
"Honey you have a meeting in forty-five minutes you gotta get up"I giggled softly As I played with the curls in his hair
He looked at me and just kissed me pationalty then got up
"Good morning to you too"he whispered
Shane's POV
I had a meeting today with some guy from the streamy's and Christian's mother about my speech
Which I was nervous as fuck about
But I just pulled it together and got dressed ate a granola bar then kissed Ryland goodbye and left
-at the meeting-
"Hello Mrs.grimmie how are you?"I said hugging her then sat down
"I'm good how are you?"she asked me back
"I'm good thank you"I replied
"So Shane can you read us your speech?"the manager asked
"Yeah sure,
Tonight is great and so was Christina she was so beautiful and deserves this award so much
*I couldn't help but start to cry*
And i know we all wish she could be here tonight but sadly things aren't perfect and stuff goes wrong"I cried
They just stared at me
"I'm sorry I have to go"I said then left and went to my car
I was a mess and was just so sad angry and confused so I called someone I knew I could talk to...Ryland
After three rings he picked up like always
"Hey"he said happily
"I can't do this I'm a mess I just can't do it"I cried
"Shhh honey calm down it's gonna be fine just come home okay"he said
"Thank you I love you so much"I cried
"Love you too Okay  you'll be fine"he said assuringly then hung up
I just drove home hoping I could some how pull this off

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