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Ryland's POV
I woke up but not in Shane's arms
"Shane?"I asked but no answer
I got up and went downstairs
"Shane?!"I said starting to get worried
I then thought he was out with Uno so I walked to the door but to see Shane...dead blood everywhere
"Shane please wake up"I sobbed as I fell to my knees
"Shane baby please i know you're not dead you can't be"I cried
I noticed a purple note card with my name on it so I opened it
You killed the only one I had and I did the same to you
Tears just poured like buckets out of my eyes
"Shane wake up please!"I sobbed while shaking his cold,fridged,and lifeless body
"Ryland wake up"I heard his voice say but no-one was there
"Baby wake up,he said again
But still no-one
"Stop doing this to me"I yelled shutting my eyes to try and stop the tears
"Ryland baby please wake up"he said again but as I opened my eyes I saw a worried Shane next to me
"Baby calm down it was just a nightmare"he whispered hugging me
I hugged him back and trued to stop the tears
"Thank god you're okay"I whispered
"I'm fine and so are you"he said rubbing my back
"I love you"I said softly
"I love you too"he said still hugging me
"I hate to ruin the moment but I'm hungry can you let go so I can go get food"I said
He kissed my forehead and laughed
His laugh was truly the best sound on this earth
He unwrapped his arms from around me and I got up and started to walk out
"Did you just go to get food without me bitch"he said in his shananay voice
I laughed and turned around then kissed him
"Why am I with you again?"I laughed
"Because I'm pretty good in bed"he laughed
"Ugh I love you"I said laughing
He just smiled at me and we walked downstairs

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