the meeting

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As we wait for my uncle to show there was a big boom in what looked like an asteroid came down to Earth and hit two feet away from us me being the closest to Bulma I blocks all projectiles they went her way. You okay I asked? Yeah, thanks to you don't mention it. it's just Pebbles. As soon as the smoke cleared we saw a large figure. We all know who it was. I ran to the crater right beside trunks almost falling into the crater I balance myself without anyone knowing I was about to fall. Hey guys! Said Goku Frieza's is coming! Don't worry about it Karrot he's already been defeated. Said Vegeta. Who defeated them asked Goku then Piccolo pointed to us those two did it. Hi, my name is Goku thanks for saving the Earth. Don't mention it said trunks yeah no problem I said. Hey Goku can we talk somewhere in private? Okie Dokie. We fly away from the group. Okay, let's get to the point Goku in two years Androids will attack West City. Wait for what! How do you know this? Well, I'm trunks and this is serene we're from the future. Really? We're from the future alright. So you guys short chapter have to work on something for school goodbye

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