Chapter 3

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Loren's POV

I look up from my phone as I heard cheering from the rink in front of me. 

I had successfully signed up for hockey tryouts next week. I decided to stay and watch a practice the front lady had told me about. It was better than going to the mall with Lena and her new friends. They were so bratty.

A tall, muscular guy with curly brown hair was yelling a number. If looks could kill, the number he was cheering for would have killed him by now.

He laughs as she shook her head and focuses back on the puck. 

I smiled at their relationship. Whatever it was it was cute. I turn back to my phone, scrolling through Vine.

"Whatcha doing?" 

I jump, the person startling me. My mouth formed an o shape as my phone slips from my hands and fell to the cold, hard cement face down.

"You've gotta be shitting me," I mutter.

"Oh, I'm so so so sorry. I just- uh. Here," He says kneeling down and picking it up.

"I'm gonna flip it on 3. If it's cracked, I'll pay for it," He promises.

Without waiting for me to answer, he says 3 and flips it. A sigh of relief leaves my mouth as I realize it's perfectly fine.

That's when I notice my phone didn't shut off when it dropped and he was staring at my account. I snatched it out of his hands, pissed.

"Mind your own business," I grumble.

"S-sorry. I shouldn't have. I just- Nevermind. Can we start over?" He stutters.

"As long as my phone stays in my hand and off the ground," I answer smartly.

"Ok, Hi. I'm Shawn," he says sticking out his hand.

"Loren," I reply shaking his hand.

He sits down in the chair next to me. It's quiet for a few minutes as I study the practice in front me.

"So, do you play hockey?" He asks, shattering the silence. 

I nod, focusing on number 15's approach to the goal.

"To choppy and predictable. If she keeps going the way she's going the goalie's gonna be able to-"

"Tell where she's going and block it way easier. If it's a good goalie they'll also be able to plan out where to pass it out," he finishes for me.

I feel my cheeks heat up, I didn't know I had said that out loud.

"You really know your stuff," He states.

I nod, "So do you. Is that your sister who was trying to kill you with her eyes?" 

He chuckles, "That'd be her. "

"You two seem like you have a really good relationship," I comment.

"She would never admit it, but I know she loves me. Me personally, I have no clue what'd I'd do without her," He smiled, seeming to have gone off in a thought.

I nod, thinking about my own siblings. I used to be extremely close with them, but after my sister, I just pushed everyone who tried to help out of my life. It's just become a habit, I've stopped letting people in. 

"Earth to Loren, hello?" Shawn asks, waving his hand in front of my face.

I could see behind his smile he was concerned where my mind had gone off too.

"Sorry, I just zone out sometimes," I lie, putting up my barriers with a practiced fake smile.

"Hey, if you ever want like a tour or just someone to show you around I'd be happy to do it. Here's my number," He offered, taking out a pen and random piece of paper.

"Do you always carry your number around with you?" I smirk.

"Uh, no- I, umm-"

"Wow, I was not expecting that answer. Here, I'll just type my number in," I say giving him back the slip of paper and taking his phone.

I added my contact, putting my name in as ✌Loren😛

"There," I finish, handing him back his phone.

I pull out mine and offer it to him to put his in. He takes it smiling before typing in his info. He hands it back to me and I laugh it what he put.


I laughed a little before turning my phone off and putting it back in my pocket. When I looked back up I noticed Shawn was staring at me.

"Umm, do I have something on my face?" I question weirdly.

He shakes his head, a smirk growing on his face. I prepare myself for a witty comment but instead, my jaw almost drops with what he says.

"No, your laugh is just really cute."

I feel my cheeks grow hotter as I look away and try to hide my cheeks with my hand. Why are you blushing it's just some stupid guy. Build your wall back up, you can't let anyone get in. It'll only hurt you in the end.

I stood up quickly.

"I have to go. I promised my parents I would meet them at a cafe after I came here. Bye."

I don't wait for him to answer as I run off. He'd hopefully never know that my parents weren't even in town, and wouldn't be for another month.

A/N Hope you all had an awesome Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever you celebrate!!! I know I did. I got tickets to see Shawn next year for his Illuminate tour. I kind of balled my eyes out when I found out😂😂😂

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