Chapter 9

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Shawn's tried to contact me a lot since that day. I had left 4 days ago and the tour starts tomorrow so I'll be meeting everyone who's on the tour today.

I haven't answered any texts or calls from Shawn, haven't even looked at them. I need him out of my life. He found one of my broken pieces.

My wrist hurt pretty bad, but I didn't want to chance the doctor noticing the same thing as Shawn, so i just bought a brace and am going to wear it until it feels better. I really hope it's just a sprain.

I decide to get out of my hotel bed and get ready. I put my phone back in the charger before getting up and grabbing my toiletries bag. I then head over to the bathroom and turn the water on so it can warm up while I strip my pajamas. So basically just a sports bra and shorts.

I made sure the water was warm before stepping under the fairly decent water pressure. I washed my hair and body and made sure to shave. I stepped out, wrapping a towel around my top.

I walked out of the bathroom into my room to pick out my outfit. I grabbed a cropped gray, strappy tanktop and some ripped jeans. 

What if the boys noticed my arms like Shawn did? I mean he had to hold my arm to feel it, but my brace covered most of it. Maybe just to be safe I'll wear my fluffy, burgundy cardigan. If anyone asks I can just say I'm cold.

I went back to the bathroom and changed. I did my makeup which consisted of foundation, concealer, winged eyeliner, chapstick and mascara. 

I looked over at the clock realizing I had a lot of time left until I was to meet the crew at the airport so I added some blush and contour. I threw my detailed heart necklace that went to my stomach and some rings I liked. 

I grabbed my phone and slipped on my Adidas Superstars before hurrying out the door. I decided to take the stairs for some extra exercise instead of the elevator. Once I reached the lobby I checked my phone to see Bart had texted me.

He said that there was a car out front that would drive me and the other's around. Right now it would take me to the airport.

I texted back a quick thanks before heading out the door. I noticed a black limo with a guy standing against the door looking around.

"Magcon?" I asked him.

He nodded before getting in the car. I got in the back as the guy started the engine. I told him the airport and we drove off.

I thanked him and asked him to stay where he was once we had gotten to the airport. He just grunted in response.

I shrugged, exiting the limo and pushing past the screaming fans. Looks like one of the boys accidentally leaked which airport they would all be at. I smiled as I carefully made my way through the crowd.

Once I had gotten in I looked around for the gate they'd be at. I followed some arrows  until I reached gate #4. I looked at the clock, it was 10:39AM. They should've been here at 10:35. Where were they?

I jumped as someone yelled in my ear. I turned around about to explode at the person when I saw Carter. Instead I smacked him.

"Ow! What was that for?" Carter pretended, holding back a smirk.

"You almost made me go deaf!" I smile.

"Almost," He smiles back.

"Cartah!" I yell before jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly.

Carter and I had met to do a collab for YouTube and instantly became best friends. He's the only person that knows everything, and I mean everything.

"I am so sorry you're parents are such pricks," he mutters into my hair.

I just squeeze him tighter. I laugh as I feel another pair of arms wrap around us.

"Matchew likes hugs too Cartah!"

Me and Carter pull away, revealing a blonde haired boy with blue eyes.

"Loren this is Matthew Espinosa, Matthew this is Loren Gray," Carter introduces us.

"You can call me Matchew," he smiles shaking my hand.

"Okay Matchew, you can call me Loren because I don't have a nickname," I smile, shaking his hand back.

"I call her stupid," Carter adds.

I smack him in the back of the head.

"Woah! Woah! Break it up guys!" I hear a voice butt in pick up Carter.

"Ohhh. Hey pretty lady! You can keep hitting him," The guy smirks setting Carter back down.

I observe the skinny brown haired boy as Carter rolls his eyes. The boy is wearing a tie dye muscle shirt and a bandanna in his messy hair.

"Shut up Taylor. This is Loren, the girl who's joining our tour...." Carter hints.

"Ohhhhh. Well nice to meet you m'lady," Taylor smiles, bowing.

I chuckle.

"Where are Cameron and Nash? Weren't they coming together?" Matt asks.

"For Narnia!" I hear someone yell.

"Found 'em!" Taylor smiles.

I turn around to see a light brown haired boy riding on the back of a boy with dark, almost black hair and vibrant blue eyes. The boy's arm is outstretched as he makes a silly face.

They stop in front of us, the boy dropping from the other's back.

"That was fun," The brown haired boy smirks.

Blue eyes smirks, "I should've dropped you the second you said kicked me like a horse. I'm gonna have a bruise from that."

The other boy shrugs, "Sorry, but it was so worth it."

Another boy joins the group, he has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He's wearing a Magcon sweatshirt.

"Wait, how many of us are here. Cameron, Nash, Aaron, Carter, me, Loren, Aaron, Taylor, Jack and Jack are still in baggage claim. Where's Shawn?" Matthew questions.

I freeze. Please do not let this be the Shawn I know. Carter senses something's wrong with me.

"Me and Loren are gonna go see if the car's here.  You guys stay and wait for Shawn," Carter grabs me and pulls me away from them before they can ask questions.

He leads me in front of the bathrooms. He puts both hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye.

"What's Shawn's last name?" he asks me.

I had told him all about how Shawn and our accident on my run. He knows why I came early wasn't just because of my parents.

"M-mendes," I stutter out.

Carter sighs and pulls me in for a hug. That's how I know. Shawn Mendes is on this tour. 

Looks like the world truly does hate me.

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