Ch4: New Guy

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''Did you see him?''


''The New guy in school!''


''Oh, the one who is the illegitimate son of the business tycoon Mr. James Wilson.''


''Apparently he was studying abroad and had got into some serious trouble there. He was thrown out of the school and Mr. Wilson had to bring him here. He is in our year!''

''Wow, I really wanna see him,'' the girl squealed to her friend as they both gushed on about the new guy.

Lily was eavesdropping on their conversation and apparently the school will be getting a new troublemaker this year.

She could care less.

Her brother, Peter's friends were enough trouble already.

One of them had thought it was good idea to accidentally drop jello on her in the cafeteria queue. And when she went to complain about it. The cafeteria lady sided with 'it accidentally happened, Ms. Helene and did I tell you that new earrings does bring out your eyes well. Makes you look ten times younger' story then Lily's accuse that it was done on purpose. The guy's glares were evident that he was gonna try accidentally dropping some more things on her in near future.

Lily zoned the two giggling girls out as she tried to read her English text.

''Omg! It's him'' the girl whisper yelled elbowing her friend.

''Ouch! That hurt,'' her friend massaging her arm but looking at the source of her friend's excitement.

Lily too looked up as in walked a guy. Sharp cheekbones, blond hair, six feet tall and well built body. What captured Lily's eyes was the Dragon tattoo running down his left arm.

No doubt the girls started giggling again.

He was handsome as hell.

He crossed the room in quick strides and the seat opposite to Lily's in the adjacent row.

Through the corner of her eyes Lily saw him take out his English text and then check his watch.

He turned to the two girls who were still busy openly drooling at him. ''Is the teacher always late?''

''Huh?'' one the girl asked until her friend nudged her hard.

''Ow! N-no!'' she stammered. ''No''

The new guy raised a brow.

''What's Your name?'' the other girl asked. Her friend elbowed her this time.

''ouch! What?'' the girl asked her friend. ''C'mon, Emily you too can't deny he is hot!''

''Charlotte, he heard it,'' Emily pointed out.

Charlotte's cheeks turned pink as she turned to the new guy.

''To the girl wearing a hot pink skirt and her blushing friend with guts, my name's Aden Wilson.''

Emily's cheeks turned the same shade of her skirt as she giggled with Charlotte at the new guy's compliment.

So, the new guy was a flirt too, Lily observed. Didn't come as a surprise though. She shrugged her shoulders and continued reading her text book.

Mr. Phil entered their class and immediately got to work. ''Oh, well, I see, we have a new student this year,'' he said. ''Mr. Wilson, is it?''

''Aden Wilson.'' Aden nodded.

''Okay so class, as always first day first class you're going to pair up in teams of two for your projects of this term.'' he said smiling to the class.

Lily was always happy to be in English class. Mr. Phil was a jolly person with pot belly and a round, chubby face.

She enjoyed his class and even the projects he assigned as he was the only teacher that allowed Lily to work alone in a group project. Because Lily had worse experiences of doing project in groups and preferred doing it alone.

Sure the work load increased but she managed it somehow.

But today seemed to be different as Mr. Phil turned to look at Lily. ''Ah, sorry Lily. This term I wouldn't be able to allow you to work alone. You'll have to be paired with Mr. Wilson,'' he gestured to Aden, who was checking out Lily. ''And as he is new to the school, I'm sure one of my best students will be a good help to him in English lessons.''

Lily was shocked to give a proper response.


Project with the bad boy? This did sound like trouble.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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