Lesson 25

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In this lesson, we are going to introduce how to say “from A to B” when talking about locations and “from A until B” when talking about time.

Basically, if you look at the big picture,

에서 [e-seo] and 부터 [bu-teo] mean “from”


까지 [kka-ji] means “to” or “until”

First, let’s look at how to say “from A” in Korean. Basically, 에서 [e-seo] and 부터 [bu-teo] both mean “from” and they are usually interchangeable, but in cases where they are NOT interchangeable, 에서 is associated more often with locations and 부터 is associated more often with time.

Like all the other particles, 부터, 에서, and 까지 are used AFTER a noun or a pronoun, not BEFORE one.

“From A” in Korean is “A에서” or “A부터”


1. From Seoul

= 서울에서 [seo-ul-e-seo]

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= 서울부터 [seo-ul-bu-te] ** = “starting from Seoul”

2. From now

= 지금부터 [ji-geum-bu-teo]

= 지금에서 [ji-geum-e-seo] ( x )

3. From (or Since) yesterday

= 어제부터 [eo-je-bu-teo]

Now, “to B” or “until B” in Korean is “B까지 [kka-ji].”


1. (From somewhere else) to Seoul

= 서울까지 [seo-ul-kka-ji]

2. Until now

= 지금까지 [ji-geum-kka-ji]

3. Until tomorrow

= 내일까지 [nae-il-kka-ji]

More examples

1. From here to there

= 여기에서 저기까지

= 여기부터 저기까지

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This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio lesson available at TalkToMeInKorean.com.

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is studying Korean. If you have any questions or feedback, visit TalkToMeInKorean.com.

2. From head to toe

= 머리부터 발끝까지

= 머리에서 발끝까지

3. From Seoul to Busan

= 서울에서 부산까지

= 서울부터 부산까지

4. From morning until evening

= 아침부터 저녁까지

= 아침에서 저녁까지 ( x )

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