Level 2 lesson 14

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Using -도 with verbs

Using -도 with nouns and pronouns is relatively simple, since you just have to add -도 after a noun or a pronoun as explained in the previous lesson.

Let us review.

물 주세요. [mul ju-se-yo.] = Give me water, please.

물도 주세요. [mul-do ju-se-yo.] = Give me water, too, please.

내일 갈 거예요. [nae-il gal geo-ye-yo.] = I will go tomorrow.

내일도 갈 거예요. [nae-il-do gal geo-ye-yo.] = I will go (again) tomorrow, too.

Now, in order to use -도 with verbs, we need to learn how to change a verb into a noun.

Usng - 도 with verbs

= Noun form of the verb + -도 하다

You can’t just use -도 with the verb itself, and you have to change the verb into the noun form. By doing this and adding the verb 하다, you are literally saying “to do + the verb in the noun form + also”. It may sound complicated but this is no different from any other verb conjugation. Just remember -도 하다 [-do hada] as a set.

How do you change a verb into a noun?

There are a few different ways to change a verb into a noun. This is similar to using verbs in the “to do” and “doing” format and also using the nouns for the verbs (i.e. act and action, sing and

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song, etc.) but today we are looking at just one of those ways.

Adding -기 [-gi] to the verb stem to change a verb into a noun

보다 [bo-da] = to see

Noun form: 보 + -기 = 보기 [bo-gi]

보다 --> 보기도 하다 [bo-gi-do ha-da] = to also see, to even see

먹다 [meok-da] = to eat

Noun form: 먹 + -기 = 먹기 [meok-gi]

먹기 --> 먹기도 하다 [meok-gi-do ha-da] = to also eat, to even eat

More examples

잡다 [jap-da] = to catch

--> 잡기도 하다 [jap-gi-do ha-da] = to also catch, to even catch

팔다 [pal-da] = to sell

--> 팔기도 하다 [pal-gi-do ha-da] = to also sell, to even sell

사다 [sa-da] = to buy

--> 사기도 하다 [sa-gi-do ha-da] = to also buy, to even buy

** Note that verbs that are in the form of “Noun + 하다” already (i.e. 공부하다, 청소하다, 노래하다, 준비하다, 요리하다, etc) don’t have to be changed in this manner. You can just separate the noun part from 하다 and add -도 after the noun part. (i.e. 공부도 하다, 청소도 하다, 노래도 하다, 준비도 하다, 요리도 하다, etc)

Sample sentences


저는 영어도 가르쳐요.

[jeo-neun yeong-eo-do ga-reu-chyeo-yo.]

= I teach English as well.

저는 영어를 가르치기도 해요.

[jeo-neun yeong-eo-reul ga-reu-chi-gi-do hae-yo.]

= I also teach English.

= I even teach English.

= I also work as an English teacher.


컴퓨터도 고쳐요.

[keom-pyu-teo-do go-chyeo-yo.]

= I fix computers as well.

컴퓨터를 고치기도 해요.

[keom-pyu-teo-reul go-chi-gi-do hae-yo.]

= I also fix computers.

= I even fix computers.

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