3~ I'll Save You All My Kisses

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It had been about a week since I had met Pete and we had been hitting it off pretty well. He enjoyed spending time with me, and he always seemed to be happy around me. Today he arrived at my place again.

I was sitting in the living room drinking a cup of freshly brewed coffee, maple sugar flavored. It was about ten o'clock in the morning, and as I was flipping through a Mega Rock magazine with a picture of David Bowie on the front cover, I heard a knock on the door. I stood, leaving my coffee on the table and the magazine flipped open to a full page interview with Ozzy Osbourne. I didn't really care much for him, but he was everywhere lately. The last three issues of Mega Rock I had in a basket in the bathroom, and Ozzy was on all three front covers. On one cover he was posing next to a woman with curly brown hair and a red guitar, and it said something in the magazine about how they had been married since the mid seventies and that he was so grateful that she was in his life because she was a great guitarist as well as a wife and mom or something. I didn't really care, I just read it one day because I usually read everything in those magazines.

After I stood up and walked over to the door, I yawned once and opened it without even looking in the peephole. The man standing before me was Pete, and quickly, I squeaked, slammed the door in his face, and then opened it again slowly. "What was that about...?" He asked, arching an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

"I... I'm barely dressed and my hair is a mess," I whispered as if anyone was listening.

Pete smiled. "Oh, I don't mind. Go, get dressed. I'll just wait for you in the living room. What are we going to do today?" He asked, coming into my apartment after I slowly opened the door for him.

"Um... I don't know. I'll think of something. I... I'll be back," Quickly, I ran into my room and threw on a pair of ripped jeans, a white shirt with a hot pink lightning bolt on the front, and another pair of platform sneakers. After messilly tucking in my shirt, I grabbed a small gold chain and put it on, then a pair of diamond studs followed. Once I fixed my hair and makeup I walked back into the living room and smiled at Pete, leaning on the wall and out of breath. "Hi."

"Wow... that's a sexy outfit," He commented, standing up from my couch. Today he was wearing almost the same thing from the My Heart Goes Bang music video; a pair of ripped jeans, a white t - shirt under his gaudy leather jacket adorned with small metal spikes, fringe, round pins, and other shiny metal objects, a pair of black sneakers, and his hair fluffed up like usual. His eyeliner was on point today, but he wasn't wearing his blue contacts. Instead his eyes were their normal brown which was still pretty. "Got any ideas on what to do today?" He asked me, walking around my living room. He found his way into my kitchen and then to where my coffee and the magazine were.

"I don't know. Maybe we can... um... I can't think of anything," I said, shrugging. "Is there anything you wanna do?"

He turned to me with a shrug. "We should go to a zoo."

"A zoo?"

"Yeah. I like tigers."

"But it's snowing. The animals won't be out. How about an aquarium? Those are inside."

Suddenly there was a gigantic smile across Pete's face. "I like that idea. We should totally do that. Where's the nearest one?"

"There's one about twenty minutes away from here. I took my brother's kids there last summer."

"Brother's kids?"

"He's thirty - three, his kids are four and six. A boy and a girl. They're good kids."

"Alright. Sounds good. I guess we're driving, eh?"

I nodded. "Yup. If you're ready we can get going now."

Pete nodded as well, leaving my flat. "Okay. Come on."


The aquarium that day wasn't too packed, so we could look around without being pushed around by other people. I almost couldn't get Pete away from the whale tank; he was just so intrigued by them and their size. There were also some pretty angel fish and belugas swimming around with the whales. They were all in the same tank as they seemed to get along. "Jenny, look at how big they are. I wonder how big the babies are at birth...?" Pete said, starstruck from the size of them. "And they seem to get along with everything else in the tank just fine. They must be passive."

I smiled, my eyes glued to the tank as well. I felt like a little kid again, and it just felt ten times better with Pete by my side. "Maybe they are. Hey, look at that angel fish. Its fins are so pretty. And their scales look like a sunset. Yellows and blues," I sighed happily, and I blushed a little as I looked down to notice Pete holding my hand. This was new to me; he hadn't made any moves on me yet, and I guessed this was the start.

About five minutes had passed and we were now gawking at the jellyfish, Pete still holding my hand. I felt strange when I was with him, almost like I was in love. Hell, maybe I was.
(I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him
Oh my god
I wonder if he feels the same way about me)

"I stepped on one of those things once. They may look cute, floating around in the water like that, but they're just evil bags of electricity. Damn thing almost burned a hole through my foot." Pete grimaced, staring down the floating organisms. "Yeah, that's right. Float away from me."

I giggled slightly, pulling him away from the jellies and to the seahorses. "Look at these. They're cuter and won't hurt you,"

Pete sighed but looked into the small seahorse tank. "Hey, they are kind of cute. I wonder if they carry them in pet stores?"

"Why?" I asked, smiling. "You want one as a pet?"

"I wanted to buy one for you. You seem to like them."

"And maybe I'll buy you a whale," I joked. "You seem to like them."

"Oh shut up. They're interesting to look at. And who knows? Maybe someday I'll have a pet whale. I'll name him Nick."


"First name I could think of."

"You're funny." I said, smiling brightly as we walked out of the area we were in and started towards another area of the aquarium. It took about two hours for us to get through the entire aquarium, but when we were done, we went out for lunch at an Italian restaurant and then Pete brought me back to my place. I invited him to my flat for a few, until he had to leave because he said he was supposed to be with his band members for a meeting or something. We sat on my couch and just talked.

"So, Jenny... what are you planning on doing for Christmas?" He asked.

"Pete, Christmas is almost an entire month away. But I'll probably be with my family like I always am. We usually get together and everything. It's like a giant family celebration. It's kind of nice until my weird uncle that no one likes to talk to comes. He's kind of... different,"

"Interesting. Maybe I could... meet your family some day?"

"You... you want to meet my family...? Why?"

"I'm sure your family would like to know who you're dating, sweet." He began caressing my hand which was resting atop my leg. I felt my face blushing again, and I found myself unable to speak, so I only nodded. With a soft smile, Pete pulled me in for a hug, and when I hugged him back, he sighed happily. When we both pulled away from his hug, I was left staring into his eyes, and as I was doing so, he caught me off - guard by quickly kissing my lips deeply, making my eyes widen but quickly close as I kissed him back. "P-Pete, I... I think I love you," I whispered as soon as he slowly let go of me. "Like... my heart is pounding and I've never felt like this before,"

"And how do you like it?"

"It... it's nice,"

"That's all that matters."

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