Fought for you

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Rose's pov

After a firm negotiation with Pearl we came up with a plan.
So the plan...well we let them take us away...ya know like in-prison us.
I know it sounds dumb but this should work. Then once we are in we break out of those cells and BAM just like that we take some other gems.

Pearls pov

Rose is crazy. She really thinks her plan is gonna work. I didn't even get to talk some sense into her..
If we get captured there's a chance we won't be able to get out.
I gotten goosebumps just thinking of what homeworld would do to Rose....
They c...could.....
I then heard a loud noise coming from above us..
"ROSE!" She took out her shield..
"Pearl stay behind me I can protect you!"

"ITS HOMEWORLD!" I said frightened.
They started shooting at us!
Rose flung her massive shield at the spacecraft, denting the thing.

I started running but Rose didn't follow me....
I started crying...I was scared, I didn't know what to do.
I kept running and all I could see is Rose trying to fight back..
I hid behind a large tree hopefully they don't see me.
I was thinking about so many things at once.
Should I help..SHOULD I defend her?!

Rose's pov

I had to protect Pearl , she was helpless
She didn't know how to fight...which had me at a disadvantage against homeworld.
"GAH" I kept blocking the shots from the gem ship.
I couldn't hold on for much longer though. I needed help..
If I get captured homeworld will shatter me right then and there!

"NOOO" Pearl came crashing in!
She came in fighting with a large spear!
Pearl was fighting so was beautiful.
"ROSE WATCH OUT!" Pearl yelled, saving me.
The gem technology couldn't withstand my shield
I countered every hit as I ran towards Pearl
"PEARL!!" I grabbed her just in time the beam reached her.
Then the Gem spacecraft exploded!
I bubbled us before any residue hit us.
"R...Rose!" I looked at Pearl. She was tearing up....
"I'm sorry Pearl this is all my fault"
"No Rose I'm glad I was able to protect you..." Pearl said blushing.

Pearls pov

I couldn't believe it.
I had a weapon all this time !!!
And I just fought by the side of Rose Quartz herself!
Suddenly the excitement ended
"Pearl what is that!"
It looked like a gem...she was injured from the explosion. Why did Rose go over there ugh
"Excuse me are you ok" Rose greeted the wounded gem..

Ruby's pov

Stupid Rose Quartz!
Where am I anyway....this is what earth looks like?
Looks disgusting and bland.
Ugh my head, why did he they send me to go after Rose? This is most definitely a job for a Quartz soldier...
"Excuse me" said the traitor.
I didn't have any weapons at the moment but I had my gem weapon!
"GAHHH" I yell trying to strike Rose in her gem.

Rose's pov

*GASP* I immediately pull out my shield.
"Heyy, what was that for I was just making sure you were alright damn"
Ruby looked scared , I can't blame her I'm very tall and massive
Ruby yelled.
"Your just so cute!!"

Pearl's pov

I was very confused of what was going on.
Rose seems like she has a sweet personality, even thought ruby is an enemy, she sees her as a friend....
"It's ok Ruby I won't hurt you I wanna help your wound" Rose proceeded to get closer to Ruby.
"NO Get awayyy!" Said Ruby trying to resist but couldn't because she was hurt badly.

Suddenly I heard more loud noises coming from above.
"Rose forget about Ruby we need to run!" I warned.
The gem ships started to swarm , I grabbed Rose and took off.

Rose's pov

I looked up at Pearl. She looked so focused and the way we took of, was just overwhelming....
"Pearl what about Ruby!"
"There's no time for that I need to protect you and that's it!" Pearl yelled.
It's like she was being leader this time instead of me...
I liked it , I felt protected *blushes*

We finally stopped , the gem ships were no where to be seen.
"Are you ok Rose?" Pearl said after taking a deep breath.
"Mm yeah of course, but now what?"
We stood there for a while, thinking....and thinking............

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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