Chapter 9

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"GUYS MINGHAO JUST CALLED ME!" Jun shouted causing everyone to look at him.

"WHAT REALLY?! WHAT DID HE SAY?" they all asked.

"He said Hanjae took his phone and gave him a new one. He couldn't talk for long as he didn't want to get caught by Hanjae." Jun said.

"Well we are gonna go there and get Minghao back." Mingyu said and everyone nodded.

"We will go at night. Soonyoung, Seokmin and Mingyu. Catch the guards attention and don't get caught." Seungcheol started.

"Seungkwan, Jeonghan, Joshua, Chan and I will guard the back and see if anyone or security cameras are there. That's where we are escaping." Seungcheol continued.

"Wait." Jun said.

"How do you know Hanjae's mansion?" Jun asked.

"I found the blueprint for it." Jihoon said.


"Don't question Jun. I learned it with Mingyu and Wonwoo." Jihoon said making Jun shut up.

"Anyway, Jun you are gonna dress up as a security guard so, you can find Minghao. Once you do, go to the back window. That's where no one will be."

"Jihoon will look at the security cameras. Wonwoo will help you Jun." Seungcheol ended it.

"Everyone got it?" Seungcheol asked.


"Good now let's go get Minghao back tonight!"

Everyone placed their hands in. "One! Two! Three! Fighting!"

Everyone reached where Minghao was.

"Okay everyone you know the plan let's go!"

First it was Soonyoung, Seokmin and Mingyu.

"Hey you guys!" the security guards saw them.

"Who are you guys?!" soon the guards chased after them allowing everyone else to go.

Seungkwan, Jeonghan, Joshua, Chan and Seungcheol went to the back area destroying the cameras and defeating the guards.

They passed the uniform to Jun and Wonwoo and they got dressed.

They walked in without any suspicion.

"Jihoon where do we go now?" Jun quietly asked.

"Turn left and then make a right. After  that walk straight. Instead of using the lift use the stairs." Jihoon said.

"Got it" Jun and Wonwoo followed what Jihoon said and used the stairs.

"Go to the highest floor. That's where Minghao is. His room is the closest to the stairs."

Jun and Wonwoo walked up to the highest floor exhausted but continued the plan.

They slowly walked to Minghao's room and tried to open the door. It was locked.

"Jihoon it's lock" Wonwoo said.

"Why not call Minghao then?" they quickly called Minghao.

Hello? - Minghao

Minghao it's Jun open the door - Jun

Minghao then quickly opened his door.

They all quickly walked into Minghao's room and locked the door.

"Jun!" Minghao hugged Jun.

"I should have asked you to follow me." Minghao said burying his face into Jun's chest.

Jun smiled. "It's okay at least you're safe now let's get out of here."

"This way." Wonwoo said leading them to the back window.

"You guys go down first." Wonwoo said passing them a long rope

Jun and Minghao nodded and slide down. Soon Wonwoo was down too.

He took the rope back and they both ran to the back where Jeonghan, Joshua, Chan, Seungkwan and Seungcheol was.

"Guys I got Minghao." Jun said.

"Good now we need to get Soonyoung, Seokmin and Mingyu." Seungcheol said.

"Minghao you know how to fight right?" Minghao nodded.

"Okay let's go help the others." Jun said.

Soon they found the others still trying not to get caught.

Jun and Minghao knocked all the guards out.

"Let's go back home now." Soonyoung said panting heavily.

Everyone nodded, walking back to their car until.

"Not so fast." they all heard a voice behind them.

They turned around and saw Hanjae holding a gun.

"You guys aren't going anywhere." Hanjae said pointing the gun at Jun.

"You! You took what I always wanted! You took Minghao. He was supposed to be for me not you." Hanjae glared at Jun.

"Hanjae don't do this." Minghao said trying to calm him down.

"No Minghao. If I can't have you. No one can."

All they heard next was a gun shot.

:)))) next chapter will be out soon (?) lol




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