Chapter 3~Allison

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Chapter 3~ Allison

I got home from school that afternoon to see that Hannah had a different boyfriend than what she had last week. I walked into the living room to see them making out on the couch. I walked into the kitchen to get a snack and I found my mom preparing the ingredients for dinner. “What’s his name this time?” I asked my mom. “I don’t know. What’s the point of finding out? He’s probably not even going to be here by next week.” My mom said as she rolled the dough for the homemade pizza. I grabbed an apple and a bottle of water then sat down on the couch in the living room beside Hannah and what’s his name. I clicked the TV on and started watching a show but I couldn’t hear over Hannah and her boyfriend’s lips smacking together, so I picked up a couch pillow and chucked it at them. “Do you mind? I can’t hear.” I said. They stopped kissing and what’s his face said he had to leave so Hannah walked him out to his car.  It was a few minutes before she came back but when she did she sat down on the couch next to me. I looked at her questioningly, “Can I help you?” I asked. “Did you see that guy?” “I did, yes.” “That’s a little thing called a boyfriend.” She said talking to me like I am stupid. “No, that’s called a delinquent here to just use you.” I said back. “You don’t know ‘cos you’ve never had a boyfriend. And if he is a delinquent, who cares? They’re the fun ones. You should get one.” She said. “You think I should get a delinquent for a boyfriend? No thanks.” “Why? Too chicken?” she asked then made clucking noises at me. “Ok. Fine I will and I know the perfect one.” I caved in then ran into my room that I shared with Hannah. “Great. I’ll meet him tomorrow when you bring him home.” She yelled after me. I plopped on my bed, pulled out my cell phone and called Tom. I told him the conversation I just had with Hannah and told him who I was going to bring home. “You’re really going to ask….”  


No notes except sorry about the formattting its copied from microsoft because that's where I typed it first :-)

<<ON HOLD>>My Fake BoyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora