Chapter 19~ Gabe

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Chapter 19~ Gabe

Of all of the girls in the world, the one I helped had to be Felicia. Felicia as in my ex girlfriend, as in the girl I go to when I have 'special' needs. Allison's not too thrilled.

"Your ex girlfriend! You brought your ex girlfriend into my house?!"

Told you.

"You're the one who wanted me to save her from the cold."

"That's before I knew she was your ex girlfriend!"

"You can't honestly be blaming me. How was I supposed to know who she was with that huge hood covering her face?"

"You could've asked when we were outside." Felicia interjected.

"Stay out of this!" I yelled at Felicia. "Ally, can you just calm down?"

"How am I supposed to calm down when your ex girlfriend will be living with us for the next who knows how long?"

"This is exactly why I didn't want to bring her in here." Allison's dad said.

"With all do respect sir, can you stay out of this?" I asked.

"There's nothing to stay out of, this conversation is over." Allison said then stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her.

I started to go after her but Hannah stopped me.

"Let me talk to her first."

I sighed and took a seat on the couch. I ran my hand through my hair a couple times. I felt an arm drape across my back.

"Who cares about her? You still have me." Felicia said as she rubbed my back.

I quickly jumped up and sat on the other side of the room as I glared at Felicia. This relationship just got a whole lot harder.


A half an hour later Hannah came back out of the bedroom her and her sister are sharing. I quickly stood up and walked over to her.


"I calmed her down but you should probably give it a few more minutes."

"Why is this so hard for her? Doesn't she trust me?"

"It's not that she doesn't it's just.." she trailed off.

"Just what?"

"Well, you're her first real boyfriend, Gabe."


"Real shocker, right?"

"Yeah, with her looks I figured she would've had other guys."

"She's the kind of girl who saves herself for someone special. I guess she found that special someone with you and she's being very cautious. This very beautiful and very experienced ex of yours has put her on edge. If you want her, you have to prove to her that you are 100% hers."

I nodded and headed for her room. I took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Ally." she looked up at me from her bed. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I just, she's your ex girlfriend Gabe."

"I know and I'm sorry. If I would've realized it was her before hand I never would've brought her in here. But trust me, we're history."

"I trust you, it's her I don't trust. I know I don't her but she's beautiful." I sat on her bed beside her.

"Sit up." I said as I grabbed her arms and pulled her up. "I don't care if she's pretty, you're prettier. I don' t care if she's a good kisser, you're better. I don't care if she still likes me, I like you." I cupped her hand in my cheek as I continued to talk.

"You have nothing to worry about, Ally. You're the only one this house that I have eyes for, you're the only one for me." she smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Gabe?" she asked as I gazed into her eyes.


"Kiss me."

I slowly leaned forward and closed my lips on hers. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer as her tongue explored my mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss.

"Well, looks like you two made up." Hannah's voice broke us apart. "Mom wants to have a family plus 3 breakfast." she said then shut door, leaving us alone.

"Family breakfast plus three? What's next, family game night plus three?" I asked getting a giggle from Allison.

"Come on." she said then climbed off of the bed. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down on my lap.

"Do we have to? I'd much rather continue this." I kissed her again.

"I'd prefer this, too. Unfortunately, my parents don't." she said then kissed me again.

"Then don't listen to them." I kissed her  again.

"I can't, I'm not as rebellious as you." she kissed me again.

"Sure you can, you're doing it right now." I kissed her again. This time, we didn't stop. I slowly moved down her neck and her hands tangled in my hair.

"Guys! Come on!" Hannah broke us apart again. "Next time it will be dad and you definitely don't want him catching you two like this."

"We're coming." Allison said and Hannah left the room. She kissed me again and giggled as I stood up with her in my arms bridal style.

I kissed her cheek then carried her into the living room. Felicia glared at us but I ignored her as I carried Allison to the other side of the room and sat her on my lap. I felt a little nervous when Allison fed me pieces of food and kissed me but to my surprise, her dad didn't say a word. He'd throw glances my way every once in a while but he never really did anything about it.

I think he's starting to warm up to me. Now if Felicia would just get over the fact that I'm with Allison, this could be so much better.


Sorry for the very late update, I've been working on my other books. Hope you enjoyed.

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