Chapter 23

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     Mr. Dee came to my house at the most unexpected time ever. I was asleep when I heard a knock on the door, it must have been urgent. He told me to look through the mirror and listen to what they were saying. I thought this was ridiculous. He pulled up my old room, my mother and sister were talking. A simple casual conversation. It was about me though, not anything you would want to hear.

"Amara is such a disappointment, I can't believe she even did that to us. Just got up and left." Amelia said.
"Yeah, it's a bit sad though. She chose the Mirror World over us. She didn't know it, but we know either way she was going to go." My mom responded.
"I just wanted a normal family, mom, instead I got some demon to call my sister."

     I couldn't explain how I felt, I was done. I didn't want to fight anymore. I'm giving up on trying to be a good demon, there is no such thing. All demons are reckless things no matter how hard they try not to be. I look down clutching my hand as tight as I possibly could and Mr. Dee placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's will be okay Amara, I just wanted to show you the truth that you have never known." He walked out. I was happy he left, because I didn't want to see anyone. I just wanted to be alone.
     I sat in my bedroom for days at a time. Other demons would come to visit me, but I never let them in. I broke so many glass vases, flower pots, and mirrors. It took me weeks to get better, but I finally did. I would never be the same person I was before. The Mirror World changed me not for better, but for the worse.

Mr. Dee's POV

I am surprised how I succeeded so well in fooling such a clever girl. The mirror projected an image I wanted it to. My plan is falling into place much faster than I had originally thought. Amara will be the leader of a new revolution. Demons will take over the world. We will be feared, but feared with honor. The people will bow down to us. There is no stopping now. I am so close to finalizing this plan of mine. There will be no afterlife, no Hell, no Heaven. There will only be eternal life on Earth. There is no such thing as death when it comes to demons. We live forever and so will the rest of Earth's population. I've waited thousands of years and now is my chance to make the people suffer as we did. It's time for the ones to create a separate world for the demons to pay the price that is greatly owed.

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