Chapter 25

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I walk out the door to see James and Sarah. I don't know how our lives will be after this planned revolution, but I just need to prepare for anything that is to come. I stand in front of the door. I should have thought about what I'm going to say, but I guess it's too late. I hesitate to knock on the door but I do anyway. James answers the door almost immediately, Sarah coming behind him.

"Come inside." James gestured for me to come in.
"I have some news."
"What is it?" Sarah questioned.
"I have a very important job that I need to take care of and it may affect how our lives will be from now on."
"What do you mean?" James asked.
"I can't say too much, I'm not sure if I can say anything at all. Just be prepared for anything, because I can't promise if I'll ever get to see you again."

     Neither of them said anything, they just sat there in silence. Processing the words I had just said. Sarah walks up to me and gives me a hug. "I hope this is not goodbye, but stay safe my friend." She walked out the front door and it was just myself and James left in the house. He just stared at me as if he didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry. I can't predict what will happen"
"It's okay, I should have just expected this."
"What do you mean?"
"You have always been important in the Mirror World, even when you weren't living here. I should have just expected that you will be something great."
"I wish I could have you and this destined path of mine."
"Well. You can't always have everything."

     I stood still in silence and he came up to me. This could be the last kiss between us. The thing I never wanted to end may have already found its end. I have a greater fate than to fall in love with another demon. I will be the face of a revolution and there is no time to mess with life outside of it.
     I slowly let go of his hand and walk out the door. I walk away looking at the ground, not ready for what life will be in the near future. I look up to see Mr. Dee waiting for me a few yards away. "Come, Amara. We have work to do." He turned around and I followed as he walked toward the church. We walked inside and the doors closed behind us. This is the moment my life truly begins.

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