Chapter 26

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"You will begin tonight. It all starts with a speech." Mr. Dee said.
"How can I make a speech to the whole world?"
"Simple, we just project it on all mirrors."
"Oh, I see. What am I supposed to say?"
"Anything. It's up to you. I'm putting the task fully in your hands."
"Oh, I'm not the best at making something up."
"You'll be fine. I believe in you Amara."

     Mr. Dee walked out of the church doors and left me here to come up with something to say. I'm not sure how much time I have, but I figure that it's not a lot because he said I begin tonight. I'm thinking that I should say something pretty simple, I may be giving more speeches in the future. All I can think about is the future, I can't seem to process the present. The revolution has my mind going all different directions and it's hard to function. Am I a hero or a villain? Maybe both, maybe its opposites in the worlds. A hero here and a villain there. My old family would be so disappointed in me, but they always have been anyway. Thinking about them makes me only want to do this even more. The anger has built so high up that I need to unleash it. The world needs to see the girl they broke.
     "It's time." Mr. Dee said walking back in through the church doors. I'm not nervous, which is surprising because I usually am for public speaking. I'm actually quite excited, even a bit happy. It all fell into place at the right time. I'm ready for this. All the people that laughed at me over the years will pay. I will make sure that they do, even if it's the last thing I do.
     He pulls open a curtain. There is a mirror that covers the whole back wall of the church. On the back of the stage with the podium and baptism tub. It looks about 50 feet wide, maybe 20 feet tall. It was enormous. He turned around the podium for me to stand behind. I was handed an hourglass to tell me when they would broadcast the speech. I couldn't mess up, this was live and the whole world would see it.
     I started at the hourglass until it ran out. Then I looked straight into the mirror. It was nice to see my own reflection. I could watch myself while the rest of the world did.

"Hello, my name is Amara. I am currently speaking to you from the Mirror World. I must inform you that every single one of your lives will change, probably for the worst. We are demons and I'm sad to say demons aren't very pleasant. You can surrender or die fighting. You can't defeat us, we were made to defeat you. I apologize for any inconveniences, but this is my duty as the face of our revolution. You will all die, but enjoy your last days."

     I walk away from the podium and out the doors. The speech went much better than I had imagined. I walked home and got ready to go to sleep. If Mr. Dee wants to talk, I'll talk tomorrow. I've done my part for the day. Work and work, many more days to come. It will pay off eventually. The demons will have the Earth and I will be remembered by all. Why is it only now that my life got interesting?

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