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There was commotion a disruption in a competition that has not made its self known. People rummaged around with fear of what was to come. All hopes of the future vanished. One name rang true within in this carnage. And that name was mikasa. Everyone wanted to know where she went. Without her nothing could be right. She was humanity's ace. Three people in particular where extremely upset. The competition has been halted for her affections and they must work together to find their missing love. "Everyone settle down we will send a search party out to find her and we all know she's not dead. She is the strongest out of all us so don't worry" a lone voice said in the crowd of cowards. The three of the lovers agreed each feeling their own feelings. One of regret that they cloud not have prevented this. Another with anger thinking that if she wanted to leave she would have taken them with her. And lastly the one feeling casted aside thinking that she did not even Heath a word their way before magically disappearing. While the tree was feeling feelings of negativity another currently outside the walls was felling the slimiest feeling of freedom

I did not sleep tonight I rode shadow all the way through the night. I have reached the walls of shingashina and I am heading home. To the place where it all started. I look up to the sky to see that is was just past dawn. People should be starting to look for me. Maybe I should just never come back. If I stay out beyond the walls I will never have to second guess myself anymore. YOU KNOW YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE WITHOUT ME YOU MEER MORTAL. EMBRACE ME AND I SHALL SHOW YOU THE TRUE MEANING OF YOUR EXISTENCE! The dark titan raged. Maybe when I find the answers I seek I could just end it all. Without being able to trust my own mind I cannot fully function as the solder the world needs me to be. The sound of shadow neighing pulls me out of my thoughts as we come across a distorted house. My eyes tear up and my mind gets clouded. The air around me gets hot and my skin gets clammy. Why do I feel like I'm drowning even though I have all the oxygen I need. A tear escapes my eye. I pull away the fallen planks and other random of rubble until I find the entry way. I tell shadow to stay until I come back out. I go in and head straight for the basement door. I hesitated as my heart started to pound extremely hard. Is this really what I want. If I look in here and find something that I was not prepared for. I steel myself and fish for the key from under my shirt. Here goes nothing. I open the door and my eyes grow wide. There are notebooks and papers scattered everywhere. In the center of the room was a white crate with a bolted lock. Behind the desk there was a red glossy crate and there was a bronze lever along the opposite wall next to an extravagant bookshelf. I headed towards the desk and glanced at the papers that resided there. My heart went still as I saw my name sprawled multiple times in his distinctive handwriting. One sentence in particular said Mikasa,humanity's last and only hope,strength and true akerman. What the hell is that suppose to mean. And with that thought I glanced at another paper that appeared to be instructions to a task that I am determined to complete.

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