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Jeans pov

"We have all gathered here today regarding a pressing issue. To some of you this might not be vital but it truly affects all of us. Someone among our ranks is a traitor. We have found evidence of a kidnapping, the kidnapping of our very own Mikasa Ackerman. Her chambers have been trashed and there is evidence of stolen items." Everyone grew silent not even a breath could be heard. Someone kidnaped THEE Mikasa Ackerman. The woman worth so many squads of soldiers. The newly respected titan shifter. Someone no one in their correct state of mind would even think to mess with. "Sir if someone's capable of kidnapping Mikasa then we are in danger right" a small scared voice shouted out. The crowd began to rumble and doubt and fear rose in people's hearts. "The reason I'm telling this, again is because someone here in this crowd is responsible" yells Erwin. His eyes connect with my soul as he Finnishes "they know who they are" he continues as he starts calmly pacing his surrounding area. Erwin starts listing names as my heart picks up its pace. I don't worry until he starts to slow down his listing. His eyes link with mine once more. "Jean, Kane,...and Levi. Everyone in the crowd dispersed away from me in an instant. The mutters of "horse face" and "traitor" filled the crowded space. For one who the hell is kane? Yes it's good that Levi is also a suspect but what swayed him to suspect me.

Erwin pov

Some of the names I ran off were just decoys to make the actual suspects feel like they have a chance at coming out of this unscathed. Levi and jean are my true objective. "Kane" is another story to began with. A man posing as a solider for some unknown purpose. The real Kane died not to long ago. As I Finnish my speech I retreat to my office where I know the suspects are heading towards. "Captain this must be a mistake I most definitely did not kidnap Mikasa" a young man shrieks. Already knowing he's a decoy of mine I put him at ease. "You are not a major suspect cadet I just have some questions" his breath of relief is refreshing as he calms down. We continue to walk as I finally reach my destination.

Levi's pov

As I enter the walls there is nothing but silence. Usually after the scouting legion enters the wall crowds cheer at our safe return. "Traitor" can be heard muttered among the people. Out of curiosity I look to one of the citizens. Fear is present once we make eye contact. What the hell is going on? He looked towards the end of the crowd to see Erwin with a look in his eye that he hadn't seen since the underground. "Captain I'd like to see you in my office immediately...along with two of your men" I could face all the titans in the world and not a pinch of fear would strike my heart. But that tone and the look in his eyes speaks volumes. Fear surrounded me the whole trip there. Both my men trailing behind me were vividly shuddering having felt the sinister rage Erwin held within himself.

Kinda short 😅 I've been having a bit of writers block. Any inspiration?

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