Horse face

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What are you doing? Are you serious? Is it even safe for you to be doing this? What will happen once this is completed. Will she ever forgive me for what I am about to do? Will she be grateful?  Or even happy that your doing this? What will you do if she does not...?

Those where the thoughts racing through his mind as he gathered materials to carry out his bidding. Three horses, soiled sheets, ropes, chains, and questionable company. "Once the Ervin finds about about what his dog has been hiding he would never guess what would happen next." He says as he continues to carry out his plans. He turns to his temporary Conrad as they dishevel Mikasa's personal quarters. Knowing they haven't checked for her here yet even with all the commotion her disappearance made he can frame Levi for this mess he's making,seeing as this room is not in use anymore. Mikasa personal quarters were rarely used after her promotion from cadet to lieutenant. It was kept on the down-low but information was leaked. Her new quarters had been prepared for her. With his questionable past and this frame being prepared all of the plan should work.

"Jean are you done yet?" Yelled a husky man with disheveled dark hair. "Shhh don't use my name they can't know I've been here" I yell as I finish up my work. I glance down at the gloves I been using. I can't leave any tracks. "I'm finished now. Have you planted the rest of the information?" I ask while surveying the scene. "Of course I did. You haven't payed me for nothing. I can ensure you this will work." He replied with a smug grin. I briskly leave the trashes area where signs of struggle are obviously evident. "Good let's head out." Finishing the conversation I take one horse and hold the reins of the other. The rider of the third horse follows closely behind. "I'm coming Mikasa you'll see" I say as I break every rule the scouts hold dear.

SHIT! I yell in frustration. Out of all my years of service I've never ever in my life lost the tracks of anything. There is absolutely no tracks here or anywhere. My head pounds as the blood rushes though every fiber of my being ferociously. "Captain Levi we have scouted the area as far as 15 kilometers and still haven't found any tracks sir." The solider relies his information with labored breaths. "The abnormal thing is though that there are no titans anywhere" he finishes as he composed himself. "Very strange...thank you for your report soldier take your position. If we wait out here longer we would not be able to go back to the wall without stopping." I Finnish reluctantly. "We are going back? Without her!" The solider speaks out of turn. "I have no choice! You think I want to let her just be out there alone and probably scared or maybe even hurt? You think I'm fine with her just leavening without me?!" I finally snap. I can't let them see the tears threatening to come from my eyes. They all fall into line without a word while I silently get on my horse and head for the wall.


She's quietly contemplating what I've told her. The cute little strand of hair that falls into her face as she looks down makes me want to brush it out of her face. She chews the inside of her cheek like she always does when she is thinking about something intensely. "Mikasa? Are you alright?" I ask in a soft voice. "I'm not sure anymore" she replies with an equally or perhaps softer voice then I. I've never seen her like this before but it does not take away from her beautiful nature. "To give in is to discard all the self control and pain I've suffered doing the exact opposite." The says more clearly. "However,if I give in I can be free from this torment and perhaps finally feel sane?" She questions. "What exactly am I giving in to?" She says while down at me with those stormy grey eyes. "You must eat someone or obtain their spinal fluid. Either way it means death for the target." I say bleakly I cannot make you do it you need to seek it for your own benefit.

"You've got to be kidding are lying" she panics "I cannot do this I'd rather die please tell me this is a joke" she continues as her breathing becomes labored. "If I knew my life would come to this I should have never let eren save me" she finishes with a sob. My heart drops as I bring out horses to a stop. Taking a quick glance back I get a small since of pride seeing that mika's anti-tracking methods worked. As I bring our horses closer together I embrace her. "Hey it's ok. It does not need to be a bad thing. You could eat a criminal or someone already dying. Or just harvest the spinal fluid from either of them." I rush to tell her. I very much dislike her sobs. They make my heart ache. I hold her a while longer while she continues her crying. Her being a good amount taller made it a little difficult. "Would you see me differently if I did this?" She Asks stunning me to the very core of my being. She cares about my opinion? "Of corse not it would be very hypocritical for me too. I also have done it before and so has eren. Although his was though spinal fluid injection most likely." I say. She looks up to see my face and holds a very small smile. My heart leaps out of my chest as I gaze at her. "Do you really think this would work?" She asks desperately. "Yes Mikasa I truly do." I said as we both start our journey to a place not to far from their current location.

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