Chapter 3

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" Woah! Mummy, Daddy! Look!" Zander says as he see the castle come into view. Everyone chuckles at his reaction. Molly stares wide-eyed at the castle. "Wow. It's beautiful." She says with amazement. Hermione chuckles again, "Just wait until you get inside."

The carriage comes to a stop, Draco and Severus get out first and help the ladies out of the carriage. The make their way into the Great Hall and towards the refreshments table. Hermione walks to the fruit plate, with Zander on her hip, and gets him some grapes.

"Hermione?" Someone to her left asks. She slowly turns and sees Molly Weasely. "Hermione!" She exclaims as she pulls Hermione and Zander into a hug. "It's so good to see you after all these years! And who is this?" She asks pointing to Zander. "It's so good to see you, too, Molly." She smiles. "This is my son, Zander. He's two. And my daughter is here somewhere." She continues.

All of a sudden there room gets quiet and filled with gasp. "It can't be" someone says. "They never found his body. We all thought he was dead" someone else continues. Hermione turns toward who everyone was talking about and smiled. They were talking about Severus.

"Excuse me, Molly." She says and walks towards her husband. Everyone gasp again as Hermione comes into view. Hermione hugs Severus and kisses his cheek. She swore she hears a few people pass out. "Mummy, daddy, why did it get quiet?" Zander asks. Before either could answer, someone pushed their way through the crowd.

"MUMMY!? DADDY!? WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!?" There stood Ron Weasley, his face matching his read hair. Soon, the entire Weasley Clan, Harry Potter, and Minerva McGonagall are surrounding them.

"Hello everyone." Hermione says, meekly. She then turns to Molly. "Molly, this is my husband, and Zander's dad." Hermione tells her. She then turn to Severus, "Where's Molly, dear?" Molly Weasely looks at her confused, but before she could say anything Harry speaks. " 'Mione, Molly is right here." As he points to Molly. She chuckles, "No, Harry. My daughter." She turns to Molly Weasely before continuing, "I named her Molly, after you." Tears start streaming down Molly's face.

"Mum! Dad! There you are!" Says a small voice. Hermione smiles. She gets down, so she's level with her daughter. "Molly, dear. Remember how I said you'd get to meet my friends. And the lady I named you after?" "You mean Grandma Molly?" She exclaims as her faces lights up."Yes. Are you ready to meet them." "YESS!"

Hermione stands up. "Molly, Zander, this is Molly and Arthur Weasley. Harry and Ginny Potter. Ron Weasley. And Headmistress McGonagall. Guys, this is my husband, Severus, my son Zander Severus Snape, and my daughter Molly Ann Snape." Hermione says with a smile. Ginny and Harry run and hug Hermione, with smiles on their faces. They turn and shake hand with Severus, too. "It's good to see you, professor. And welcome back and to our family." Harry tells Severus. "Potter. Potter." He says with a nod of his head. "Thank you." Severus replies with a small smile.

Molly S. runs and hugs Molly W. with a big grin on her face. Molly W. bends down and hugs her back, tears of joy, love, and pride streaming down her face.

Everyone is happy. Except Ron..

*Written 12/13/2016

Hogwarts Remembrance BallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora