Chapter 6

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"You are so THICK RONALD WEASLEY!? Why would I marry you when I'm already to the man I LOVE-"

"But you don't love him 'Mione. He's got you under a spell or potion. You love me, 'Mione."

"I never loved you, Ronald. That kiss was a mistake!! The love I had for you, was a mistake!! IT WAS ALL A MISTAKE" Hermione yells attract the attention of everyone in the Grand Hall. "Dear, is the Weasel giving you a hard time?" Severus asks as he hugs her from behind, snaking his arms around her waist. "I was just explaining to the Weasel that I have a loving husband and beautiful children that I'm NOT going to leave just to make him happy." She turns around in her husband's arms and kisses him softly. "Mr. Weasley, I would appreciate if you kept your distance from my wife and kids. If I hear that you have gone anywhere near, talked to, hurt, or even breathed anywhere near them, you will deeply.. Regret.. IT!" Severus growls before taking Hermione by the hand and leading her to the other Weasleys. the Malfoys, and their children, leaving a hurt and angry Ron behind.

"Severus, Hermione, is everything okay?" Narcissa asks as her and Molly meet them halfway to their destination. "Ronald wants me to runaway and marry him." Hermione grumbled. "Oh, dearie, give Ron some time. If he truly loves you like he says he does, then your happiness should be more important than his happiness." "Thanks, mum." Hermione hugs Molly W. "Hermione, would you and Severus, and the kids of course, come to Burrow for dinner tomorrow night? You too, Narcissa. And bring Draco and Astoria." "We would love to, Molly. We'll all be there." Narcissa replies before anyone can speak. 

"Hermione, love, would you like to dance?" Severus asks as the muggle song Doing Something Right comes on. "Our song." Hermione breathes. Severus walks her to the dance floor and starts dancing and spinning her around. He gently sings the lyrics in her ear, so only she could hear. Everyone who watched, watched in awe as they saw how in love the couple was.

*Written 12/27/2016

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