Why Ron Why

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(Hermione pov)

Why did I ever trust him. I thought he changed. But I was wrong ,Draco Malfoy will be and all way be Draco Malfoy he will never change.

"Ugh why did I feel for him." I said out loud while owl was flying around me

"Hermione" A voice I have not heard for while

"Ron what you doing here" I ask

"Um just getting fresh air, and you"

"Same been think why I ever trust Draco, I thought for once he have changed, I thought  he love me" I replied

Then crying is coming my eyes was watering.

(Ron pov)

Watch her start to cry why did I did.

"Are you in love with him" I ask

"I thought I did but seem him make out with Greengrass I guess I was wrong" Hermione said crying

"Hermione I need to tell you something" I said

"What is it"

"You might get mad, when I going to do tell you this, and will probably not speak to me after I tell you"

"What are you talking about Ron" Hermione ask

"Malfoy didn't kiss Greengrass it was me disgusted as him" I said

I know it she have this piss off look.

"What why Ron why" Hermione shout at me

"Because if you saw him , well me actually kiss her. You two be no long together I have you back" I replied

"How could you that didn't give you the right to do that. You and Greengrass deserve each other way you guy  pulled" Hermione said and left

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